Last Wishes

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You stepped off the ship with the Guardians, Nadia, and Valkyrie. The Asgardians all looked at you confused since you parked your new ride next to the rainbow looking bridge. You walked right into the main hall where Odin looked at you.

Odin: You have arrived.

You and the others bowed to show your respect before you presented Stormbreaker.

Y/N: I found your weapon. It wasn't easy but here it is.

Odin stood up and walked down the steps. Once again, you found feel his power though it wasn't as bad as before. You looked back at the others and saw that they were trying to stand under the weight of his power.

Odin: You have done well. You have proven yourself worthy of challenging me.

He took the weapon and smiled.

Odin: You do not even realized what you had done.

You raised a brow while Odin laughed.

Odin: You lifted a weapkn that most can not. You have proven yourself worthy to wield my power should I give it to you.

Nadia: Like, Mjölnir?

Odin nodded.

Odin: A wise woman. Stormbreaker is Mjölnir's brother. A replacement if you will.

You suddenly felt like a total badass.

Y/N: No way. That's pretty cool.

Odin: Cool?

You just shrugged. Odin chuckled as he placed a hand on your shoulder. You suddenly felt like you were holding weights that were actually heavy for you.

Odin: We shall battle once you are ready. I do hope you have everything in order.

You looked at him confused.

Y/N: What do you mean?

Odin looked to Valkyrie.

Odin: Did you not tell him what the results of this fight were?

You looked back at her.

Y/N: What is he talking about?

Everyone looked to Valkyrie.

Valkyrie: Should you lose, you will die.

Die?! Was this a fight to the death?!

Valkyrie: And if you win, you will become the new All-Father.

Everyone was surpised at this sudden revelation.

Nadia: You mean, he'll be the new king of Asgard?!

Odin: Indeed. You would become my successor should you defeat me.

You were suddenly nervous as hell. You were going to be the new king if you won?! How the hell would that even work if you weren't Asgardian?

Odin: Of course, being the King of Asgard, you will need a Queen.

He looked over to Nadia who blushed at the suggestion. You turned back to her her and realized, this was where you needed to make a choice. A serious one that would impact your life.

You were about to fight a very powerful foe that was an actual God. If you lost, you would die. If you won, you would become the new King. Either way you were faced with the same decision. You walked over to Nadia and looked at her.

Y/N: Hey.

Nadia looked up at you worried.

Nadia: Hey. So, this is finally it huh?

You nodded.

Y/N: The last two years have finally paid off. We made it.

You both smiled before you reached up to your mother's ring.

Y/N: I, uh, want to say thank you. For everything. You stayed by my side after everything had happened. You made these last two years of my life amazing beyond belief.

Nadia looked at you with a soft smile.

Y/N: I still fall in love with you everyday somehow. I never get tired of waking up next to you or spending all day stuck in a ship with you. You pushed me on and encouraged me to move forward.

You snapped the ring off your neck and Nadia's eyes widened as everyone watched you drop down to one knee.

Y/N: I love you more than I could ever say. I can never truly show you either. You're brilliant, kind, caring, strong, beautiful, and you are brave. You're my motivation to even think about facing the All-Father.

You looked up to her and saw that she had a hand covering her mouth with tears in her eyes.

Y/N: So, if I win against Odin and become the new King of Asgard, will you be my bride and rule alongside me as my Queen?

Everyone looked to Nadia for an answer. Nadia removed her hand and you saw that she was smiling brightly.

Nadia: Of course you nerd.

You smiled before you slid the ring on her finger. You then stood up and Nadia jumped on you as the two of you kissed. The Guardians cheered while Odin nodded in approval. You separated from Nadia and smiled.

Y/N: I don't think I've been happier.

Nadia: Me neither.

You two kissed again before you turned back to Odin. You couldn't lose now. You couldn't be scared. You had to be the Godslayer.

Y/N: Alright, let's do this.

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