The Story of The Runaway

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Molly woke up with a start. She looked around her room for a moment before she sighed.

Molly: No zombie monkeys.

She threw her blankets off of herself and stretched. She looked at her clock and saw it was 7:00 AM. Time to get ready for her first class of the day. She jumped in the shower and washed herself throughly before jumping out and getting dressed. She walked over to her dresser and opened the top drawer where she kept her hats. Hmm. It felt like a yellow monster day.

She threw on her hat and rushed over to her desk where she turned on her laptop. Sure she was an Avenger now and everything, but she swore to Victor that she would go to college. It was online but it still worked for the former killer.

As she did her work, she looked down at her phone. She reached over and turned it on to look at her lockscreen. It was you and her back in Canada when she was first adopted by Victor. She swiped up and looked at the homescreen. It was of the other Runaways. She smiled. They were now all adults so she didn't worry too much about them. She locked her phone and got back to work.

It was about an hour later when there was a knock on her door. She closed her tab and shut her conputer off for the time being. She only had two classes today anyway. She walked over to the door and opened it to find Robbie standing there.

Robbie: Hey.

Molly: Hi. Come in.

Robbie smiled and entered the room. Molly had noticed that he seemed happier for some reason ever since he came back from vanishing for a week.

Molly: So what's up?

Robbie: The sun.

Molly rolled her eyes at his lame joke.

Robbie: I was bored so I wanted to see what you were up to.

Molly: I was just doing some work for my classes. Wish I was on a mission though.

Robbie smiled.

Robbie: Me to. Things have been oddly quiet for the past few weeks. No Hydra, no A.I.M, no stupid bad guys.

Molly: I just want to punch someone.

She turned to Robbie to give him the puppy dog eyes.

Robbie: No.

Molly: It's not like the Rider can't handle it. I would as Bruce but he's been missing for months now. Even Thor is MIA!

She looked down sadly.

Molly: I miss Thor.

Robbie: Right. Still not happening.

Molly sighed before she looked at Robbie's keys. He had a habit of spinning them around his finger begore catching them. Her eyes fell on a certain arrow charm.

Molly: How's things with Katie?

Robbie smiled.

Robbie: Great. You know, I never thought I would find a girl who could keep up with me. Seems like I'm trying to keep up with her most days.

Molly: I'm glad that the two of you are happy. I hope everyone is.

Robbie looked at his little sister figure as she fell deep into thought. His eyes drifted to the framed photo she had in her desk. It was of all the Strikers on the day you all left to New York. His eyes fell on you.

Robbie: What do you think he's doing right now?

Molly looked at the photo.

Molly: Probably something great.
Valkyrie: I can't belive you took another pill.

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