The Strikers

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You were out practicing your motorcycle skills with Moon Knight about a week later. Your test was coming up and you confident you could past on your first try. Plus you had Venom so you could at least cheat.

Venom: Passst the tessst yourssself.

Y/N: Dick.

You stopped the bike and hopped off.

Moon Knight: You're good kid. Maybe too good.

Y/N: Thanks.

You sat down next to him on the grass. You were practicing in an empty park parking lot so you wouldn't hit anyone if you lost control. You laid back with your arms supporting you as you looked up at the chilly sky. Winter was almost here. That would mean you were going to be 17 soon.

Moon Knight: You've grown up so much.

You looked over at him. He reached into his chest piece and pulled out a necklace. He took it off and handed it to you. You took and and noticed it had a deeply black ring on it.

Moon Knight: It was your mothers before those miserable excuses of humans took her from us.

You held the ring up between your finger.

Y/N: What, what happened that day?

Moon Knight stayed silent.

Moon Knight: Did Venom not tell ye?

You shook your head. Venom appeared on your shoulder.

Venom: I don't remember much.

Moon Knight: ONE JOB! That's believable after what happened.

Y/N: What did happen?

Moon Knight: For me to tell ye this tale, we will have to go back in time!
17 years ago,

Moon Knight was walking through the halls of the Striker's HQ when he heard the sounds of a baby crying. He walked towards the sound and found Elise holding you.

Moon Knight: He's a loud one.

Elise: Better get used to it. You are the one who will be helping me take care of him after all.

Moon Knight: Yes ma'am!

He did a soldier's salute before sitting next to her. He was staring at you with great interest. Elise took notice.

Elise: Do you want to hold him?

Moon Knight: Me?! I could never. He's so cute. What if I snap his neck by accident?

Elise just smiled and handed you to him. Moon Knight mimicked what she had done and held you against his chest. You began to coo which melted his heart. He heard someone else enter the room.

Venom: There you are. The bossss isss looking for you.

Moon Knight: But, baby.

Venom: That'sss the problem.

Moon Knight and Elise looked at each other. They found themselves in the main room where the Old Man was waiting.

Creator: About time. I have some bad news.

Elise: What is it?

Moon Knight: The big black one said it had something to do with my GODCHILD.

Creator: We've been found.

Everyone was shocked by this. Dr. Conners entered the room with a clipboard.

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