Team Shorts #2

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You are in class doing work when Gwenpool slowly arises next to you.

Gwenpool: Can I join the team now?

Y/N: No.

Gwenpool slowly dissapers back under the table.

Later on you are going to your locker to drop off your books. You open it and find Gwenpool jammed inside.

Gwenpool: Can I join the team now?

Y/N: No.

You close the locker and walk off.

You are in your closet when Gwenpool lowers herself from the ceiling Spider-Man style.

Gwenpool: Can I join the team now?

Y/N: No.

She slowly raises back up.

You are back at the swiming pool enjoying you day when a shark fin begins to swim around you. Jaws plays as it gets closer.

Y/N: Ahhhh!

Gwenpool appears with a sharkfin on her head.

Gwenpool: Can I join the team now?

Y/N: NO!

(Chibi Y/N getting poked by Gwenpool)
Gwen enters her room ready to go to bed. She finds Danny, Miles, and Y/N trying to unhook her bra from Sam. They all look at each other.

(Chibi boys sitting on the couch getting lectured by Widow)
Viv is on the couch watching TV when Kamala pops up out of the cushions.

Kamala: Now that I made sure no one is around, I demand answers.

Viv: To what question?

Kamala: Can you do the sex?

The sound of a bag of chips hitting the floor causes the two of them to turn and see a horrified Miles. Kamala shrinks down.

Kamala: Foiled again.

(Chibi Miles getting therapy from Venom wearing glasses)
Danny is walking down the street before he falls down a open sewer. He stands up and looks around before finding a mole person.

Mole Man: Do you belive in the light?!

Danny: Uh....

He slowly backs away while the Mole Man moves around to find him.

(Chibi Danny digging holes in the tower)
Venom is staring down Laura. Both have determined looks on their faces.

Venom: You move mini-wolverine.

Laura: I'll make you regret the day you came to earth you space jizz.

She lifted up a card and slams it on the table.



Y/N sits in the chair asleep.

(Chibi Venom and Laura playing Uno)
Felicia is sitting on the couch when Kamala slowly rises up behind her.

Felicia: I don't have sex.

She then turns around and stares deep into Kamala's soul.

Felicia: I fuck.

Kamala sqeeks before shrinking back down.

(Chibi Kamala writing fan fics)
Viv is sitting on the couch when Sam walks in.

Viv: Have you seen Y/N?

Sam: I think he said he was going to go see Nadia.

Viv: For what reason?

Sam: They probably gonna fu...

Viv destroys the coffee table in one hit which causes Sam to stop.

Viv: Think about your next words wisely. That's my boyfriend and aunt you are talking about.

Sam: I mean, they're probably having a nice date.

Viv: Satisfactory answer.

Sam gulps and walks away.

(Chibi Sam avoiding terminator Viv)

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