Gwen's Music Pt. 1

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After showing Katie around, you returned to the living room with Kalama and Sam. Katie sat down between you and Kalama which made Sam sigh.

Venom: Haha! He hasss no chance.

Y/N: You should be nicer to my friends.

Katie and Kalama were talking when the elevator dinged singling that someone was here. The doors opened and Gwen and Miles walked in. Miles spotted Katie instantly but Gwen seemed distracted.

Miles: Katie! What are you doing here?

Katie stood up and walked over to him to hug him.

Katie: I'm joining the program.

Gwen contiued to look at the floor as if she was deep in thought. Whatever it was, it didn't look very cheery. Maybe you could help?

Venom: No! Not gonna happen.

Y/N: Why?! Something's bugging her.

Venom: Remember the lassst time you helped someone with their perssonal problem?

Oh yeah. Viv. Screw it. What's the worse that could happen? Maybe you should talk about it when no one else is around. You don't want to worry the others, especially since there was a new member present.
Venom: I'm telling you kid, thisss issss a bad idea.

Maybe. You were a Hero now and it was your job to help others. That includes other Heroes. You left Katie with the others, since they already knew her, and made your way to Gwen's room. You noticed her door was cracked open slightly. Coming from her room was the sound of a guitar.

You peeked in and saw her sitting at her desk with her guitar and a open notebook in front of her. She seemed really lost in thought. You decided to knock to let your presence known. Gwen turned to face you.

Gwen: Hey. What's up?

You shrugged and leaned against the doorframe.

Y/N: Just checking in. You seemed bothered earlier.

Gwen looked back down at her notebook and closed it. She turned back to you.

Gwen: Sorry. I've just got some stuff on my mind.

You noticed. You moved over and sat on the bed.

Y/N: Wanna talk about it? I'd love to help if I can.

Venom: Dork.

Gwen set her guitar down and looked to make sure the door was closed.

Gwen: I don't want to bother you with it.

Y/N: Never. Always glad to help.

Gwen thought about it for a moment. She finally sighed.

Gwen: I guess I could use some help with this.

She turned back to her notebook and handed it to you. You took it and looked at the title. Gwen's Songbook. At least it's not a diary.

Gwen: I've been struggling. I just can't seem to come up with something.

Was this all? She seemed so down like someone died or something.

Y/N: Is that all?

Gwen nodded.

Venom: Sssshe'sss lying.

Y/N: There's something else.

Gwen rolled her eyes and took her notebook back.

Gwen: Maybe. It's a bit too much to go through. I just feel like, I'm not who I was before. I've been so focused on being the Ghost Spider that I haven't been able to be Gwen Stacy.

So that was it. Well, time to be a friend.

Y/N: In that case, I have an idea.

Gwen raised her head. You stood up and stretched.

Y/N: We're gonna spend the rest of this day doing what Gwen Stacy wants. No mask, capes, powers, nothing. Just Gwen Stacy and Y/N L/N.

She seemed interested in the idea. She stood up and sighed.

Gwen: Alright. Let me get dressed then we can head out.
After sending a quick text to Widow, you and Gwen headed off on your day as normal teens. First thing on the list of "normal" things to do? Rollerskating. This was something quite different.

Gwen: I used to do this all the time as a kid with my mom. I was actually a part of a roller derby team at one point.

She was tying her skates while you were struggling with your rentals. This wasn't what you had in mind when you said you wanted to help.

Venom: I hope your balance issss good.

Y/N: Me to.

You stried to stand with your skates but quickly sat back down. This was going to be rough. Gwen, on the other hand, was a pro. She skated to the rank and waited for you. Ok. You can do this. Just take it slow.

You stood back up and moved forward. Hey! You got it. You made it to Gwen who opened the gate and entered. The rank was mostly empty with only about 10 or so people. The music blasted over the loud speakers and you could tell who was used to skating and who wasn't.

Gwen: I'll help you out for a bit but after that you're on your own.

You nodded and moved forward. It seemed easy enough. It actually felt almost familiar in some odd way. Like you've done this before but you know you haven't. You seemed to be a natural.

Gwen: That came out of no where. Ok then, let's go.

She skated faster but you caught up. Even though you were just going around in a big circle, it was still fun and it was actually quite the exercise. Gwen was able to spin and mess around while you stuck to keeping up. She was smiling and laughing the entire time.

When she turned to look at you, someone had slammed into her which caused her to lose her footing. You were quick to move and catch her while the other skater just kept going. You help her up to the railing.

Gwen: What an asshole.

Y/N: Yeah. You ok?

Gwen nodded.

Gwen: Let's get something to eat real quick.

You agreed and the two of you headed out of the rank. After changing back to your shoes, you both ordered some food from the concession stand. You found an empty table which you both claimed.

Gwen: That was fun. It's been so long since I've done that.

You had to agree. It was quite fun. You made a mental note to bring the others here when you had a chance. Gwen was sipping on her soda while you, carefully, fed Venom his tater tots under the table.

Gwen: How are you doing? Yesterday was a bit rough with Carnage attacking and everything.

Oh yeah. You almost forgot about that. Not! You were almost done for until you lost control again and scared him off.

Y/N: I'm doing better. Although, I don't like the idea of him running loose.

Gwen: I agree. He's dangerous.

She took a drank from her soda.

Gwen: Oh yeah! I almost forgot that you had some more tests today. How did that go?

You smiled.

Y/N: Well, it turns out that I'm a jumble of a bunch of DNA. My base DNA is actually something else.

You leaned in so no one could hear you.

Y/N: I'm a mutant.

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