Knowhere Pt. 2

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You were sitting at a different table in the bar while Peter finished his drink. Nadia watched as the authorities carried out the three men.

Nadia: It's like one of those old westerns.

Peter: So here's the deal kids...

Y/N: We're 20.

Peter: And I'm 35. I beat you. The deal is we have to head to these bandits' place and take them out.

Nadia: Stealth?

Y/N: Or Russian Stealth?

Peter: Russian. We're not even going to give them the chance.

He took another sip of his drink which worried you. Was he even sober enough for this? Nadia looked over as the third body was carried out of the bar.

Nadia: So what was that even about?

Peter looked over and shrugged.

Peter: I dunno. Doesn't matter anymore.

Y/N: You don't know why three men just tried to kill you?

Peter: Not a clue. Doesn't matter anymore.

Nadia: What if their friend's come?

Peter: Not my problem. Doesn't matter anymore.

This guy was supposed to help you? He was drunk off his ass by now. He went to take another drink but you slapped the glass from his hand.

Peter: Hey!

Y/N: Stop drinking and start thinking. Where are these bandits, how are we going to take care of them?

Peter: Jesus kid...

Y/N: I'm 20.

Peter: Whatever. I'll lead you guys to their hideout and we can all just, I dunno, destroy them any way we can. That work for you?

You groaned while Nadia watched the two of you interact. She could tell that this guy was getting on your nerves.

Nadia: That works. Just lead us to the base and we can take it from there.

You looked at her for a moment before sighing. You agreed. Might as well do ot yourself instead of with some drunk moron.

Peter: Fine. We'll head out tomorrow.

You rolled your eyes.

Y/N: We would like to get this done today.

Peter: Fine! Jeez kid.

You bit your tounge. Peter stood uo and straightened out his jacket before stumbling towards the door. You looked at Nadia who just shrugged and followed. This was going to be a long day.
Peter: There it is. Bad guy HQ.

You and Nadia looked at the rundown building that almost resembled a biker club back on earth. Guess some things are just universal. Peter activated his mask and pulled out his blasters.

Y/N: Can you even shoot straight?

Peter gave a so so gesture.

Y/N: You shoot us, I will hurt you.

Peter: Got it.

Nadia activated her blasters while you popped out your claws. You started across the way before the first man noticed you.

Thug: <Can we help you?>

Y/N: <Cosmo sent us.>

The thug immediately reached for his gun but Peter beat him to the punch. You were actually impressed at his skill. More thugs reaches for their weapons as you ignited your hands and Nadia flew up. As they opened fire at you, you either let the blasts phase through your body or you used them to hit whoever you could. You leaped up and slammed a flaming fist on the first man before firing a fire ball at another.

Monster (Marvel Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now