The Return Home

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Riri: Focus fire on the group near central station.

Sam: On it.

Sam flew over the group of evil robots and laid down fire. More started flying up and following him. He gritted his teeth but flew under the bridge where the robots were blasted out of the sky. Viv flew to catch up with Sam.

Sam: Thanks for having my back.

Viv: Of course.

The two flew back to the city where the battle raged on. Everyone was fighting. The Avengers, The Program, The Defenders, even the freelanced heroes. Riri flew around the buildings and blasted away any killer robot clone she saw. She spotted a group of civilians getting surrounded by said evil robots.

Riri: Mysterio....

Quentin: Already on it.

Green smoke filled the air around the robots before drones began ro attack. When the smoke cleared, only the humans were left. Quentin flew up to Riri.

Quentin: It looks like their numbers are increasing. We need to take down the carrier.

Riri: I know but we have no way of getting close without getting blasted out of the sky.

The large helicarrier was hovering over the city with Ultron looking down at all of them. It was time to end the miserable race of humans.

Kamala: Does anyone have visuals on Patriot or Silk?

Danny: They're with me.

He punched another bot before one tried to get him from behind. It was quickly taken care of. Danny turned around and smiled.

Danny: Thanks Eli.

Danny: Thanks Eli

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Eli: No problem.

Three more Bots were webbed up and the boys turned to see Silk walking towards them.

Three more Bots were webbed up and the boys turned to see Silk walking towards them

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Cindy: I swear we get rid of one and three more pop up.

Danny: Perhaps. It must be Ultron. He has all the tech to make more while he's up in the helicarrier.

Monster (Marvel Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now