Life in The Tower Pt. 2

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After talking to Riri about your new costume, it was Kitty's turn. She practically dragged you the entire way to her room. Her room was mostly covered in 80's movie posters. Her bed sheets were pink along with her pillow cases. On her desk was about 5 books stacked on the coner and a picture frame with a lot of people. She also had a small rug in the shape of a skull.

Kitty herself was wearing a grey shirt and a pair of black legging with her hair tied up in a messy bun. Her dragon, Lockheed, was asleep on her bed.

Kitty: This is my room! You can take a seat wherever.

You looked around and spotted a beanbag on the floor. You moved over and sat down on it. Your body slowly sank in the seat. Kitty sat her bed and had to look down at you. She started to laugh.

Kitty: You don't look so comfortable there.

You weren't.

Y/N: It's whatever.

Kitty just continued to smile. Now that you were actually looking at her, rather than blushing about being shirtless the two times you were with the group, she was quite beautiful. Your eyes moved to the desk.

Y/N: Do you read a lot?

Kitty looked at the books and sighed.

Kitty: I've been trying to but it's been kind of hard. If it's not training then it's some job somewhere.

You looked over to the dragon.

Y/N: So....

Kitty: He comes and goes as he pleases. He's usually out and about.

She then noticed you looking at the picture. She stood up and walked over to it before handing it to you.

Kitty: This is my family. Kind of.

You looked at everyone in the picture.

Kitty: We're all mutants.

Y/N: Mutants? That's pretty cool.

You handed the picture back to Kitty who placed it back on the desk.

Kitty: So, how do you like the tower?

Y/N: It's nice. I like the fridge and the TV. It's nice to be able to get up and just grab something if I'm hungry.

Kitty suddenly felt awkward. And now you think you said something weird.

Kitty: You never had that before did you?

You shook your head. It was nice though so you weren't complaining.

Kitty: Sorry if I brought up bad memories.

Oh. You started to smile.

Y/N: It's fine. I'm kind of grateful actually. Living on the streets made me who I am now. I wouldn't trade that for anything.

Kitty looked at you and smiled. She then went to her bed and grabbed her laptop.

Kitty: Well, I guess it's my civil duty to show you the internet.
Next up was Laura. You looked over to Kitty's room and noticed that their rooms were a bit closer than the others. Laura opened the door and let you in. Her room looked normal enough. Well, there was the samurai sword above the desk and the stuffed skeleton pushie on her bed. Still pretty plain.

Laura was dressed in a yellow hoodie that reached down to her thighs.

Laura: This is my place. Don't touch anything.

You just stood there. She then rolled her eyes.

Laura: You can sit down.

You did as you were ordered and she sat on her bed. The two of you sat in silence before Laura sighed.

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