Late Night Food Run Pt. 3

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You and Doreen stood there looking at Strange. A wizard. A God damn wizard. What the hell was even going on here?

Doreen: So every male in New York are all now committing crimes.

Dr. Strange nodded. He floated towards a strang golden pot in the middle of what looked like a study. The three of you surrounded it and looked into the swirling liquid inside. It showed various scenes from all around New York of males robbing everyone and everything.

Dr. Strange: You have a powerful mind to withstand Amora's power.

You shrugged.

Y/N: I just have a lot of things going my way I guess.

Strange walked over to a bookcase and grabbed a book. He opened it and you were all suddenly in a very magical looking place. It almost looked like something off of some indie band's CD cover.

Doreen: Where are we?

Dr. Strange: We are in a place simply known as the MIND STATE.

Y/N: The Mind State?

Dr. Strange: This place grants access to every mind in existence. Stay close to me or you will be lost.

Dr. Strange started to walk ahead and you and Doreen followed. This entire place was massive and filled with many doors. Each door had some kind of symbol scratched on it's surface and every door was unique.

Dr. Strange: I can only free 5 minds. Think wisely for we can use every bit of help we can get.

5 minds? That at least means you can get Robbie and Tryone on your side. As for the other three....

Y/N: I know who we need to free. You think you can summon some people to?

Dr. Strange nodded.

Y/N: Perfect. I need my team here. All the Strikers. As for the other three minds, I want to free Miles Morales, Danny Ried, and Quentin Beck. Can you also summon up Gwendolyn, Kamala, Viv, and Nadia?

Dr. Strange: Very well. Consider it, done.

As he finished his sentence Gwendolyn, Kamala, Viv, Nadia, Felicia, Molly, and Tandy all appeared. They were all wearing their nightwear and were very, understandably, confused.

Tandy: Woah. This is some crazy dream.

Y/N: Totally 100% real.

They all looked at you and Strange.

Felicia: What's going on?

Dr. Strange: I am Dr. Steven Strange. A enchantress named Amora has placed a spell on every male in New York. Y/N has asked that I summon you all to assist us with dealing with her and freeing some of your firend's minds.

Doreen: What he said.

Nadia: That sounds nice and all but, I don't have any of my gear. Or a bra. How are we supposed to help?

Strange did some weird magic thing and suddenly everyone was wearing their normal gear.

Nadia: Oh. Uh, thanks for the bra.

Dr. Strange: Now we must go find your friends. Stay close to me or you will be lost in the Mind State for all of eternity.

Everyone gulped while you were too busy looking at the pretty colors. Strange lead the way and everyone followed.

Gwendolyn: Soooooo...Why did you summon me?

You looked back at her and shrugged.

Y/N: You seem useful. Plus if the others went crazy and attacked, I would rather not have you going and trying to kill them.

Monster (Marvel Male Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant