From The Basics Pt. 2

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Time left before Godslayer Protocol: 2 months and 6 days.

The jet landed and Widow opened up the bay doors to let you out. You looked around and pulled your bag over your shoulder. The blades make a clank sound and you almost smiled. It had been a while since you last used them.

Widow stepped out of the jet after she turned it off. She stopped by your side as you took a deep breath.

Y/N: So this is what a normal, non flying, non deadly castle looks like.

You looked at the massive stone structure before you and smiled. This was kinda cool. You and Widow walked towards the gates as the guards stood at attention. The gates opened and a older man walked out from the front doors to greet you both.

???: There you are Natasha. It is a pleasure to see you again.

 It is a pleasure to see you again

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Widow: Likewise your highness.

???: Please. We have known each other long enough for you to simply refer to me as Ernst.

You felt a bit awkward. Were you supposed to bow or something? He was a king after all. You didn't get a chance before he looked to you.

Ernst: You must be Y/N. It is truly a pleasure to meet the famous Monster.

You almost blushed at that. A monarch was actually complimenting you for once.

Y/N: The same goes for you. I learned a lot about Symkaria when I was studying fighting techniques. Your history in both war and negotiations is beyond impressive.

Ernst: I am honored that someone so young knows so much about our little country. Please, come in. Let's get you out of this cold.

He led you both into the castle where he had some servants take your bags to the rooms you'll be staying in. You stopped them long enough to pull out your blades and attach them to your waist.

The guards moved to stop you but the king allowed it. Once you had everything ready, he led you towards his study. You all entered and he took a seat on a elegant looking chair. He gestured you to sit down which you did.

Ernst: Now as you might know, I asked for you to help guard my daughter. The Festival of Symkaria is taking place and we have gotten a threat from one of our neighboring countries.

Y/N: The Symkaria Festival? The one that takes place every 5 years?

The king nodded.

Widow: So this threat was directed to your daughter, Silvija?

Ernst: Yes. They had made a threat on her life.

You started to get the picture.

Y/N: I'll do everything in my power to make sure that doesn't happen.

The king smiled sweetly.

Ernst: I don't doubt it. My daughter can take care of herself well on her own. I can't be too safe however. Ever since my beloved died, I have been more protective of her.

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