Avengers Tower Pt. 1

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You were currently flying through the sky in pursuit of a van filled with gunmen who had just robbed a bank. Iron Heart was flying next to you while Spider Kid and Ghost Spider swung below.

Miles: You think they'd be willing to slow down if we tell them the speed limit is 35 MPH?

Gwen: You can try. Don't get shot.

You rolled your eyes and flew down to try and get closer.

Y/N: You got visual on the intersection?

Riri: All clear.

You smiled.

Y/N: Perfect.

You expanded the flames and flew straight past the van. You landed a few yards away and stabbed your claws into the pavement. Miles and Gwen also swung past the van and past you. They got to work with webbing up a net of sorts. Riri stopped midflight and fired off her hand lazer things, you never asked, which popped the two back tires. The van began to swerve and you used your strength to force yourself into a handstand. Once the van was close enough, you slammed your leg down onto the hood which lifted it up enough for you to free your claws. You ignited your foot and kicked the van, sending it right into the webs.

Riri: Alright!

Miles: Dope.

Riri flew down next to you while Miles and Gwen hopped off the walls. The four of you stood in the street and watched as one of the gunmen climbed out. You stepped forward since you could recover from a bullet as he lifted his rifle. Before he could fire however, he was hit with an, arrow? The man went flying back into the web where he was stuck.

Y/N: Uh, who did that?

Everyone looked at each other until sounds of jet filled the air. You all looked up to see said jet lowering down. The back opened and three figures jumped out.

???: Perfect shot. Like always.

???: Yeah yeah

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???: Yeah yeah. Your head is looking bigger.

???: Twas a good shot regardless!

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???: Twas a good shot regardless!

???: Twas a good shot regardless!

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