School Days Pt. 1

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You slept for most of the week following the disaster that was destroying one of A.I.M.'s secret bases. Venom made sure you woke up to eat or drink or use the bathroom. Widow continued to remind you to stay in bed until the drug, Anti-Cells they were officially called by Tony, wore off completely. The Avenegers investigated whatever of left of the lab and found some other things to. There was a whole lot of vibranium down there.

Venom kept you company for most of the day and if you weren't sleeping, you were texting Felicia. She ended up calling you some time after your returned home asking if you were ok. You told her you were feeling a little under the weather since you didn't want to worry her. Seriously, you weren't going to tell your girlfriend you got shot!

The most surprising past of your recovery was a surprised visitor. You quickly pulled your scarf over your face when Black Cat climbed through your window. You had the closet door open when you saw a black figure open the window.

Black Cat: Hey there Franky~

Y/N: What are you doing here? Scratch that. How did you not trip the alarms?

Black Cat just smiled as she leaned against your desk. The lights from outside made her suit glow a bit.

Venom: Why isss ssshe sssso familiar. Thissss ssscent..

Black Cat: I've broken in before. Twice actually.

Twice? Was she the one responsible for stealing everyone's stuff? And then she broke in again to give it back. Why? What was her game?

Black Cat: I just wanted to see if you were still alive. You look better.

True. You didn't look so sick anymore and you can summon a proper fireball. She continued to look at you before turning back to the window.

Black Cat: Try not to get shot anymore. So long Frankenstein.

And with that, she was gone. You didn't see her after that which was both a relief, and kinda disappointing. Sure she was a crook and technically a bad guy, but she did help you out. Plus she didn't have to give everyone's stuff back either. Maybe she isn't so bad after all.

Finally came the day that you were finally able to go back to being a Hero. Only for Widow to toss you a F/C backpack filled with notebooks, binders, and a bunch of other stuff.

Widow: School starts tomorrow. You know the rules about identities already so just focus on blending in.

Right. School. Great. You were excited for school. You were more excited to use the simulator again....

Widow: Training for today has been canceled so you all can prepare for class tomorrow. Get some more rest.

Oh. Well at least you can, sleep? You've been sleeping all week. You wanted to do something already! Practice with your fire again or freeze something. Well at least you can pop your claws in and out while you sat in your empty room bored out of your mind. Maybe you could go to the Cafe? Maybe Felicia could meet you there.
The day has come. The first day of school. Your heart was racing from the excitement of a new adventure. The people you'll meet, the things you'll do! You just hoped that everything was like it was on TV. You were walking down the street along with Miles, Danny, and Sam. Venom stayed under your shirt but talked to you about calming down because school was not something to get excited about.

Miles: I haven't seen you this excited since you met the Avengers.

Sam: There's nothing to be excited about. School sucks. The lessons are boring, there's bullies everywhere, and if there's a problem we can't even help!

Monster (Marvel Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now