Under the Surface Pt. 2

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You and Black Cat finally found a warehouse like room which was filled with men and women in yellow suits. They were all working with batches of chemicals. The smell alone made you slightly dizzy.

Black Cat: Talk about a meth lab.

Y/N: I've seen meth. This ain't it. Be better if it was honestly.

You and her were perched in the beams up above. You were looking around to see how you could destroy everything without killing anyone. This was going to be tough. You would just torch the place or freeze everything but that wasn't exactly an option right now. You had Venom but he could only do so much. You also had Black Cat to worry about to.

You looked over to her and found her already looking at you. She quickly looked away and pretended like she was looking at the lab. What was up with her?

Y/N: Is there a problem?

She slowly turned back to you.

Felicia: No. Just enjoying the view~

And she's back. You turned away to look down and spotted a giant tank. Looks like that's important. Maybe you should break it. Before you could do anything, something else caught your eye. Something very small was flying around. You looked closer and noticed it was headed right towards you. You leaped out of the way, only to not get attacked. You and Black Cat watched as the small figure grew to normal size. It was Wasp.

Wasp: Hey there. I'm guessing you're here to cause some damaged?

Y/N: Uh...

Black Cat: Who are you?

Wasp glared at her before turning back to you.

Wasp: Why is the stray here?

Black Cat: Stray?!

Y/N: Calm down. She's helping me. Why are you here?

Wasp shook her head.

Wasp: I should be asking you that. I've been investigating this place for weeks now. I finally got in but you guys seemed to have been here a day and made more progress. I wasn't told that the Project was sending anyone.

Oh. She knows people in the project. So busted.

Venom: Nice knowing you kid.

Y/N: Aren't you supposed to be my guardian?

You looked back down at the lab.

Y/N: Right. They don't know I'm here. No one does, really. I'm not supposed to be.

Both girls looked at you with wide eyes. You just laughed a bit while rubbing your neck.

Black Cat: You're going rouge? That's kinda hot~

Wasp: Dude you'll be in so much trouble if they find out.

Y/N: Then they won't find out. This can be a secret between friends. We got bigger concerns right now anyway.

As in the the large batch of drugs being made underneath you all. The ones that take powers away. A big concern.

Wasp: Right. We should focus on that. Any ideas on how to do this?

You pointed to the large tank you spotted. She nodded and srunk back down. She flew over to the tank to look at it closer. You saw Black Cat staring at you out of the corner of your eye.

Y/N: What?

Black Cat: You seemed awfully close to her.

Really? What does she even care? You weren't going to be hooking up with anyone anyway. You were already in a relationship. Sure it was a few days old but you were loyal. Felicia was the one in your heart.

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