Before We Start

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Just some stuff I wanna say         ಠoಠ

The meme isn't Oikawa related but I was totally whipped for Sugawara before Trashykawa himself made an appearance sooo....

aNYway, the description sounds kinda angst but I. Will. Make. This. As. Fluff. As. Possible. Because who doesn't want Oikawa fluff ༼ つ ಥ_ಥ ༽つ

There will be some angst cuz I'm that emo kid just so ya know (;'༎ຶД༎ຶ') :D

I'm sorry I actually had something to say but it's 2am and I forgot what I was gonna say so now I'm rambling.

Oh yea and I will try to make the ending to the chapters as cute and fluff and light as possible or I'll just put a meme there ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ cuz it's quarantine and we don't have a regular sleep schedule anymore (to those of you who do, CONGRATS) and if we're gonna read fanfics until 4am might as well let them end all light and fluffy.

...and crap I lost my train of thought again I'm hungry

Light and fluffy reminds me of cookies there ya go I hope you're hungry with me cuz I'm mean that way :D

I sound so thirsty here but still if ya like my stories please please please vote so more people can see my stories (no matter how much i change that sentence it just sounds wrong sorryyy)

Anyway I'll stop rambling enjoy the story!

If y'all eating while reading this comment what you're eating I wanna know

ok bye enjoy the story I'm going to grab a snack

Love you! <3

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