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"...everything is going to be quite alright"

*               *               *


   "Are you nervous?" Bella's seventeen-year-old sister, Aurora, asked.

   Bella twisted the phone cord around her finger, "Incredibly, can you hear my heart pounding through the phone?" 


   Bella's hands shook as she attempted to hold the cherry colored phone still. She tried to take deep breaths and think about everything positive in the world, but nothing could seem to cure her jitters. 

   "I'm scared that they won't take me seriously," Bella mumbled, looking down at her feet. "It's honestly a miracle that I got that job." 

   "Bella Snow," Aurora scolded. "If the FBI was willing to make exceptions just for you to join the team, I think they're going to take you pretty seriously." 

   Bella's frown slowly turned into a grin. "You always know how to make me smile." 

   Bella flinched as her apartment door slammed shut, knowing that Owen just got home. She watched as he stumbled into the apartment, starting to trip over his own feet. He headed towards the kitchen and swung open the refrigerator door, swiftly opening a box of leftover pizza. He didn't hesitate to bite into a slice. 

   "Hey," Bella said. "I should let you go, you know who just walked in the door."

   Aurora let out a low chuckle. "Alright, you're going to be fine tomorrow! I believe in you!"

   "Thanks, Rory. Give mom a kiss goodnight for me, ok?"

   "Already done! Goodnight, fed." 

   Bella laughed and rolled her eyes, "Goodnight, brat." 

   She put the phone back on the wall, secretly longing she was back home with her family. She missed her mom's cookies and painting pictures with her sisters. All in all, Bella just regretted the fact that she grew up so fast. Not too many people have a Ph.D at the age of 19, let alone joining the BAU. 

   Bella heard the squeak of her bed and took a deep breath. She glanced over at her outfit picked out for tomorrow next to the safe which contained her gun and FBI credentials. Though she was terrified for tomorrow, she couldn't wait to get onto the field and use her knowledge to catch criminals. 

   "Bella!" Owen called out from the bedroom. "Darling Bella!"

   "I'm coming," Bella said with a sigh, making her way towards the bedroom. She crawled into bed, Owen immediately spooning her. She gagged at the smell of whiskey and cigarettes on his breath. 

   Owen kissed her temple and snuggled in closer to her, "I missed you."

   "Where were you?"

   "Out with some friends"

Ineffable - Spencer ReidWhere stories live. Discover now