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"The stars and the planets are calling me"

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"The stars and the planets are calling me"

Episode: Revelations (Season 2, Episode 15)

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Sometimes Spencer felt like he was the only person on Earth. Many moments of his life he felt as if he was screaming in the middle of a crowded room and no one was looking up. He felt as if he was from a totally different world, maybe even universe, because it seemed as if no one understood him.

He knew what it felt like to be disappointed and abandoned. In his many years, he learned to get used to always being someone's second choice or the one always left out. Even his own mother made him feel hopelessly abandoned, although she was alive it was as if she wasn't even there at all. Spencer felt like an orphan with living parents.

The only thing that truly made him feel alive and appreciated was his job. Waking up and seeing his co-workers everyday gave some sort of meaning to his life. He loved the feeling of connecting the dots and hearing the many theories his team would come up with. Getting inside the mind of criminals was like a drug to him.

This particular case was very interesting to him, for the team was completely baffled by it all. The unsub was watching his victims through webcams, livestreaming all of their deaths and allowing them to go viral. The BAU was able to see the videos, for Penelope had gained access to them.

"There's 3 different voices in the video," Emily said as the team viewed the video. "Are we looking at 3 different unsubs?"

"They all seem to be acting like Bible thumpers," Derek said. "They told us the 'armies of Satan shall not prevail'. What the hell is that supposed to even mean?"

"The killings are clinically efficient, they had the earmarks of a slaughter, as in an animal. Or even a sacrifice. We haven't been able to find anything in federal or state databases that suggest similar crimes, this looks like a first in a series."

Bella felt like rolling her eyes in frustration with the entire case. She always hated unsubs who were, in a way, geniuses. They knew how to hack computers and use the internet for their own personal gain. They were dangerous animals behind a screen, and it was always difficult to find them.

"At least one member of this team may believe he's killing in the name of God," Spencer said, holding a paper cup of cheap coffee in his hand. "This suggest a psychopathy that should display extreme levels of disorganization, yet there are forensic countermeasures and somebody in control enough to do complicated computer work."

"One member of this team is organized , the other's extremely disorganized," Bella quickly added. "The one who makes the phone calls before the victims are killed can't seem to stop the other one from killing. Usually the frenzied takes direction from the calmer one."

Gideon shook his head, "We barely have anything on these guys."

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