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"Am I the only, only believer?"

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"Am I the only, only believer?"

Episode: The Fisher King Part 1 (Season 1, Episode 22)

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"What about this one?" Aurora asked, holding up a dark green sweater. Bella wrinkled her nose and shook her head, Aurora rolling her eyes in return. "Well...I don't know! What color do I look good in?"

"Light blue," Bella answered, skimming through a rack of blouses. "Damn, why is everything so expensive here?"

"It's Washington, D.C. What do you expect?"

Bella raised her eyebrows, "Fair enough."

The two sisters skimmed through endless racks of clothes, picking out blouses and sweaters of every color of the rainbow. Bella grabbed black skirts and dress pants primarily for work. She watched as Aurora picked out plaid cardigans and sparkly pairs of high heels.

"Bold choices," Bella chuckled as they made their way to the register.

"I want to stand out at college," Aurora answered. "I'm hoping to meet my soulmate there."

"Well, stay away from frat houses."

The girls paid for their clothes and made their way out of the boutique. They walked down the street, keeping an eye out for another store they could wander into. Aurora groaned while lugging multiple bags full of clothes, shoes, makeup, perfume, books, and corny Washington, D.C. souvenirs.

"Can we get some ice cream?" Aurora sighed. "I'm having a hard day."

Bella snickered at her younger sister, "Oh you poor thing. No, not happening. We need to head back to my apartment now and get ready if we still plan on seeing that play tonight."

"Come on! You've got the next week and a half off, and I'll be here the whole entire time, why can't we just see it later?"

"It's 'Macbeth' , Rory! This is exciting!"

Aurora rolled her eyes as she followed her sister towards the train station, "Yes, very fun indeed. I love seeing plays where I don't understand any words spoken."

Bella suppressed a laugh and ignored her.

* * *

"I'm going to wear a knight costume!" Aurora yelled from inside Bella's bedroom.

Bella scrunched her eyebrows together, "A knight costume? What? How the hell did she get a knight costume? RORY, WE ARE SEEING A PLAY! DRESS LIKE THE 18 YEAR OLD THAT YOU ARE!"

Aurora groaned and opened the door, showing off the new black dress that she bought. She posed and spun around as Bella smiled and cheered for her.

"I originally bought this dress for funerals, so it'll work perfectly from when I die of boredom tonight," Aurora said, biting into an apple on the counter.

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