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   "So close, so close, and still so far"

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   "So close, so close, and still so far"

Episode: Memoriam (Season 4, Episode 7)

*               *               *

Trust was something rare to find in a person, in Spencer's case. Loyalty was one of the most important things to him. If he knew he couldn't trust someone, then he wouldn't bother spending time around them. He had been hurt so frequently in his 27 years of life, so naturally, he began to put up walls around himself.

   He knew that he could trust his team no matter what, each member proved themselves to be trustworthy. He spent more time with the team than he did his own family, and that was perfectly ok to him.

   There were many things that Spencer kept private from the team, despite him trusting them. There were many things about his life that he found embarrassing and couldn't imagine admitting to the team. The walls that he put up typically surrounded his childhood. His childhood was a tough subject because most of it didn't make any sense. Most of it people simply wouldn't understand. 

   But, something about this childhood memory was different. The minute Spencer began to have nightmares about his own father killing a boy he used to know, that's when he decided to look into some things. None of it made sense and he felt crazy for researching a 24-year-old cold case, but he knew that he had to do it for closure. There was a young boy named Riley Jenkins who was murdered and no one knew who did it. Spencer dreaded that it was his father.

   At first, Spencer wanted to take this case alone and keep it a secret. But it didn't last long before Bella detected his upset mood and light tears before she asked what was wrong. Eventually, the entire team went home except for Derek, Rossi, and Bella who were treating this case like any other.

   It was embarrassing for Spencer to see Bella working on this case. It was embarrassing that she knew so much about his dysfunctional childhood. He didn't want her to know that his dad left him and his mom. He didn't want her thinking that his dad was a murderer and pedophile. Spencer wanted nothing more than to hide under a rock and never come out.

   Now there was another suspect, a random file that was slipped under Spencer's hotel room door. It was strange to Bella how they knew where Spencer was, and how they got this file put together at all. 

   Derek held up the phone as Penelope began to do extensive research on Spencer's father, William, trying to uncover anything suspicious at all, "Reid, we've been all up into your father's business. Let me tell you what I didn't find, there's no kiddie porn, no membership to illicit websites, no dubious emails, no chat room history, no questionable transactions that I can find."

   "From what we can tell, Reid, he doesn't fit the profile," Hotch said from next to Penelope. "He's a workaholic, he actually logs more hours than we do. He makes decent money but he doesn't spend a lot of it. He has a modest house, he drives a hybrid, he doesn't travel much, he stays away from the casinos. And according to his veterinary bills, he has a very sick cat. He appears to spend most of his free time alone. He goes to the movies a lot and he reads."

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