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   "I've closed enough windows to know you can never look back"

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   "I've closed enough windows to know you can never look back"

Episode: The Fisher King Part 2 (Season 2, Episode 1)

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"There are thousands of books published every single day," Morgan said, his tone annoyed. "How the hell are we supposed to find the one this unsub is talking about?"

   Hotch rubbed his face, "It's one thing for this unsub to find our addresses, or know our names, or even having photos of us. It's another thing for him to know that JJ used to collect butterflies, or that Snow's favorite flower is a red peony."

   "He's skilled, I'll give him that," Bella said, rereading the poem left by the unsub.

   "Let's look at the victimology," Gideon said, entering the room. "Morgan, take JJ and see if you can find out anything more on Rebecca Bryant. Reid and Snow, if anybody is going to figure this out it's you two. Just keep working on this."

   Spencer nodded, "We're on it."

   Bella and Spencer continued to look over the numbers, Bella feeling the most frustration she had felt in days. This seemed almost impossible to her, she had no idea how she was supposed to solve this.

   Looking over the photos again and again, Bella felt like screaming. She huffed and crossed her arms, Spencer looking over and giving a weak smile. He knew exactly how she felt. He wanted nothing more than to call it quits and go back to Las Vegas to see his mom.

   "Thousands of books are published everyday," Spencer said. "Thousands! Not to mention how many books are published every year."

   "Every year," Bella whispered to herself. "Every year, every year." She turned around and picked up the Nellie Fox baseball card that was also sent to Gideon, along with the head. The date on it read 1963.

   "What?" Spencer questioned.

   "Follow me."

   The pair rushed out of the room and down the hallway, making their way into Penelope's office. She turned around in her chair, completely caught off guard. Bella held up the baseball card as Penelope grinned and turned back around in her chair.

   "Do you think it's possible to track down books published in 1963?" Bella asked, standing next to Penelope.

   Penelope laughed and shook her head, "That is going to be quite impossible, my dear."

   "Ok, well could you type in something for me? Look up the sentence, 'Never would it be night, but always clear day to any man's sight.' "

   Penelope typed hastily, a poem instantly popping up. She scrunched her eyebrows as Spencer bent down to get a closer look at the screen.

   "'The Parliament of Fowls' ," Spencer gasped. "My mom used to read me that. It's widely considered as the first Valentine's poem. This book has to do with this poem, published in 1963, connected to a butterfly in some way, connected to Great Britain, and something medieval."

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