Chapter 52

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Faith's pov :-


"You sure you alright?" Emma asked looking at me through eyes filled with concern.

I nodded, stealing my eyes away.

She sighed and walked back to her bed and flopped down on the edge once again. As if ready to run for my rescue any minute now.

"But how did you manage to pay for the flight on your own?"

I squished the coarse fabric of my black shirt in between my fingers,"I-"it was harder to admit than to commit," I might have sold my gold jewelry?"


Emma started pacing in the room. Looking everywhere at the sametime nowhere in particular.

She was getting more and more upset with every passing minute since last two hours.

I cleared my throat to ease away some of the tension.

She stopped and turned to me. Looking dead in the eyes. Unnerving me."so you're telling me that you freaking ran away on the day of your wedding, sold all of your jewelry just to get back here in USA!"

I shifted uncomfortably.

Now that she spelled it all out. It sounded ridiculous. But it was true.

"I couldn't know." My weak defense earned an eyeroll skyward and my eyes found my shirt once again.

This time my fingers had the mind of their own. My mind however was racing million miles per second.

"And what if they come and find you here?" Her knitted eyebrows accentuated her frown.

"They wont." I answered meekly.

She raised one eyebrow in question.

I inhaled deeply," I left a letter behind telling them I'm married and going to my husband. And never gonna return," scratching my neck I recalled the scribbled words on the paper and already imagining how mama would have been shocked once she finds that out-lying in my bed instead of me,"and I'm pretty sure they would never wanna see me again for dishonoring their wishes of marrying a guy and running away right on the wedding day," I forced my eyes shut to hold back the pain," they would never accept me again."

My words chocked up in my throat.

I felt an ache rising up my throat, strangling me.

How awful they would have thought of me. The pain they would be going through right now. How they would be answering everyone's questions.

How they would have faced the guy's family...

Papa wouldn't be able to show his face to the world just because of me.

"But what could I do!" I croaked, not realizing my own voice," I couldn't marry another when I was already married! And I even tried to tell mama but she wouldn't listen to me! No matter how much I begged and pleaded." I explained to her through teary eyes," and I'm too much of a coward to say it in papa's face!"

Sniffing, I looked away. Suddenly feeling so weak.

Emma came to squat down in front of me and held my knees," you did all of this just because of that pompous ass of a jerk?"

"Emma!" I scolded.

She raised her hands in surrender, raising her eyebrows," so you can pounce even when you're crying?"

I pressed my lips. Not giving in to her attempt at joke, one bit.

"Okay, okay," she squeezed my knees in reassurance," I guess no one can deny his six packs and sexy appeal," I looked back at her in surprise,"I mean, isn't he a one hell of a hot piece?"

I swatted her shoulder to bring her back to senses and she winced, rubbing at it. She backed away back to her bed and sat beside the empty bowl of noodles, she had been munching down while I was narrating everything to her for past two hours.

"But faith,"she started again sitting crossed legged," didn't you mention he is in the gang?"

I gulped before nodding meekly.

"Then you think it's a good idea to-you know get back to him..."

I looked away, "You don't know his story." I ended the conversation.

She didnt prod any further much to my relief.

Rubbing my palm on my cheeks, I attempted to clear away the moisture and sniffled looking at the clock.

8:47 p.m.

"Why is he taking so long though. He should be here by now."

Emma voiced my thoughts mirroring my action and read the clock.

It's been more than two hours since I reached here at dorms as King told me to on call in order for him to pick me up from here.

He should've been here by now.

What's keeping him from coming?

Does he not wanna see me now?

Afterall the last time we talked on call, I told him I was getting married and cut the call on him.

He must be outraged.

Yes! He's definitely mad and doesn't wanna see as desperately as I do him.

What if he decides not to come pick me at all?

Where w-

"Hey!" I blinked at Emma hovering over me.

When did she walk up to me?

She pushed my loose brown locks out of my face getting me back to earth and held it in both hands, looking at me in concern," don't worry. It's gonna be alright." She whispered- or atleast tried to- as even her whisper was so loud as compared to her usual squeals and shouts but I felt my anxiety settling a notch nonetheless," infact if that jerk face doesn't show up, I'll go find and escort his overly active ass right back in your feet!"

I held my smile back with all my might. But my eyes gave away the gratitude.

She walked up to the window. I looked out at the familiar blue sky. It told the same old tales. Sang songs of the boy with deep black eyes. Worth getting lost in.

I inhaled deeply at the memory of looking at this same sky with him.
The wind brought his sent all the down my lungs, soaking my soul with its fragrance.

"Oh look, he's here!" My heart lurched up in my throat at her words.


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