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Placing my palm against growling stomach, I opened the fridge. Two eggs stared right back at me.

The thought of boiling them crossed my mind but I immediately shut it to prevent myself from throwing up right inside the fridge.

Hm, Fry them? I gave it another thought.

Too much trouble!

I sighed closing the fridge door and left the kitchen.

It's not like I'm gonna shrink due to skipping one meal.

Why did Emma leave?

I looked over at Emma's empty bed.

Surely Jake had convinced her to stay at his place tonight knowing how any guy could barge inside the apartment without warning.

He must have realized how unsafe it was.

The day's events came swirling back and I pushed them in the far corner of my head.

But who will prepare the meal now!

I just realized how much I suck at cooking and it's always Emma who cooks for both of us and whenever she's not in the mood, which is rare due to her obsession with cooking, we simply order something to eat.

Putting the thoughts of food aside, I hop into the chair and start studying.
The only thing that will keep my mind off things besides the tests are right around the corner.

Two minutes in and I clutch my head grimacing down at the spellings that appear dual.

I blink to clear my vision.

The stress of today's event don't let the fatigue leave my sight.

I jump off the chair when my cellphone goes off all of a sudden.

I rub my thumbs over my eyelids massaging them a little and clutch the cellphone against my ear.

It must be mama calling this late.

'Assalam-o-alaikum, mama.' I croak.

'Its more like your daddy here.' The deep voice on the other side strips the fatigue out of my system for a fleeting second.

I straighten up frowning at the anonymous voice.

My daddy? Papa? What?

Papa never calls me at such hours. More importantly I never called him daddy!

This voice...


'So you stutter during phone calls too?"

I ground my teeth fully recognizing the person behind that taunt.

'What do you want.' After everything that happened today, I didn't know what more I had energy left for.

'Why are you awake this late?' King asked as if I was answerable to him for my every action.

'What is it to you?'

'Behave. You forgot who you're talking to?' His voice turned concrete.

I didn't answer. Serves him right.

Silence stretched for few seconds and I looked at the screen to make sure the call was still going.

'You okay?Did you eat anything?' His question threw me off guard.


'Why not?' He persisted making me scrunch my nose up in confusion.

I looked around the room and then over to Emma's empty bed.

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