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Loud ringing of the cellphone is what jolted me upright in my study chair from half asleep state.

I didn't know when I dozed off while staring forcefully -to stay awake- into the emergency light that was placed on my table for studying late night

I couldn't go to bed.

Not when he was under the same roof.

I extended my hand and tapped the surface of table to search for my cellphone.

It wasn't there but Its ring had been cut midway by now.

I looked back at the small bedside table where my cellphone might have been placed which by now was glued to king's ear.

Oh no!

"Hello." His drowsy voice scratched into the speakers, I had forgot how deep it was and I sprung up from my chair and rushed towards him to get my cellphone from him.

"Kingston here. Who's speaking?" His words eased into the conversation effortlessly.

His droopy eyes shot up to find me standing over him with the expressions that resembled to those when you're forced to gulp down spoon full of raw starch by your friends.

"She's here with me."

Who was he even talking to? I looked up at the digital clock and it read 3:45 am.

My God! Its mama.

I launched at him for him to just extend his arm and grab my hands in his crab like fingers.

"Her boyfriend."

My eyes widened at his statement.

"Listen if you got nothing better to say, I'm gonna cut the call and don't disturb my sleep again."

With that he removed the cellphone away from his ear and tapped his thumb on the red circle, ending the call. Just like that.

"Hey, why did you do that?" I cried out trying to unwrap his fingers from around my hands and free myself to get my phone back.

"Do what?" He threw a lazy midsleep glance my way.

His jet black hair was unruly from sleeping and strands were falling over each other in careless fashion that complimented the darkness of the sky outside the window.

His body was half covered by my blanket as he rested his one side, leaning on his elbow on the bed and peered up at me.

Why did I not throw him out of my apartment last night!

But how was I supposed to drag his body off my bed and out the room when he was adamant not to budge from my bed.

Gritting my teeth, I didn't waste anymore time at him and freed my hands from his grip which he let me do this time and snatched my cellphone from him.

Quickly opening the call list, I looked at the word 'mama' shining at the top of the list and looked up at him wide eyed.

What did he just do!

Good Lord! Why did he have to pick up my cellphone.

He just talked to mama.

Now she must be wondering why a guy answered her call.

Last night, not able to do anything, I just sat at my study table with every single cell of my body fully awake in his presence. He had turned the lights off by using the switch by my bedside which left half the room in darkness giving me chills.

Thus I illuminated my study light and kept my aching back straight which was hard after going through such a hectic day.

He raised his one eyebrow from under those strands while his eyes twinkled as two pure crystals in that study light.

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