chapter 38

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Door clicks open.

I look up and peak at it through the mirror.

He walks in.

Our eyes met.

I quickly stole mine, eager to find somethingnof interest.

But I could just hold them away from him from couple of seconds when they finally trailed back to him.

Top few buttons of his khaki button down shirt, undone, which sticks to his slightly sweaty chest under that white blazer. with its cufflinks rolled back, just below the elbows. One hand slipped into the pocket of white slacks.

I see a strap of backpack loosely hanging on his shoulder as he opted to click the door shut. His bangs moved sideways in an upward curve showing the sheen of sweat on his forehead. It gives him eerily mature vibe.

He turns around.

A sharp intake of breath.

I focus my eyes on my hair instead. But its awfully hard to pull my hand upward and start combing my open hair.

God, help me!

What's up with me? I mentally frown.

I've been sitting here in front of the mirror for half an hour now. Everytime I look up in the mirror, my thoughts fly away, snatching all my attention until I give up.

I hear the shuffle of his boots as he approaches the bed and slips the bag from his shoulder on the mattress," I got all your stuff in it,"  his strong voice cuts through the silence but his eyes dont find me."including your passport, Visa, your school doc-"

He looks up and words die down in his mouth.

His eyes gauge my lost ones through the mirror. I desperately wanted to steal mine again but this time they were too heavy. Like lead, too tired.

Or maybe hypnotized.

Suddenly air feels thick. Walls moving in on me. On us.

He let's go of the strap and straightens up. All the bells in my heart start to chime as he slowly walks up to me.

Thud of his every nearing step falls on my shoulders. Carrying ton of weight. Growing with each second.

The way his forehead is showing, he looks so much older. No more a teenager. But a man.

He stops short behind me.

A gush of familiar warmth explodes out of him, enveloping my all in its spree.

But this time it was different. Sharp. Filled with unknown depths.

There was this darkness in those midnight orbs. Tired one. The one that knew the meaning of void. As if it had hit the bottom line ages ago. But was going to discover new depths of darkness all over again.

It was tumultuous.

It reaches me in full waves.

He was counting the red straps of my irises. Spreading like a spider web, the effect of crying all night.

Is that all?

Is this going to be over today!

My eyes sought answers from him.

His lips pursed as those eyebrows drew together raising the small space in between them slightly up.

I felt like an unwrapped box. Placed in front, for his eyes to see. And see they did. Running all over me and then stopped at the heart shaped necklace that hung loyally in my neck, resting just below my beauty bone.

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