chapter 8

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Thump thump thump.

Was it my heart beating or his footsteps, I couldn't decipher.

Why is he coming now? I wasn't coming in his way, wasn't asking him for any favor, any assignment to be written.

Then why God why!

I looked down at my notes, started scribbling furiously, feigning I haven't even noticed anyone coming, especially not him!

Approaching in my vicinity, footsteps halted close enough to come into my line of vision.

My eyes travelled from the page over to those infamous black jumper boots that screamed hard.

Flitting my eyes back on my now slightly wavering hand, I started writing nonsensical words again.

He wouldn't be reading this, right!

Silence stretched as if all the noises in the background suddenly faded off into nothingness and world closed up on us. I could sense the tension coming off of him in dense waves giving me all the more reason to act like he doesn't exist.

When the heaviness of the moment started weighing on my shoulders, I felt my mind going blank and I gulped down, not knowing what I was writing anymore.

Why is he not saying anything?

I looked at the boots to make sure he is still there.

Yes, he is!

My patience was running low. I inhaled a shaky breath preparing myself when suddenly smoke filled my nostrils.

Cigarette smoke!

Cursing all my guts I looked up at him, beaten by my own curiosity, and found him towering above me like a giant.

His army green pants came into view and the chain sticking out of his belt that dangled carelessly on the side of his hips, covering half of his thigh and then going backward out of sight under the sleeveless black shirt that rested on his upper body.

I dared to look up and first thing I noticed was cigarette in between his teeth, sticking out of the side of his slightly stretched lips.

Are his lips heart shaped!

Smoke blew out of them, quickly making it's way skywards and my eyes followed it, looking at the raw face behind that thick smoke, set in carefree disinterest.

But only when the smoke reached his eyes, it disperesed in thin air leaving behind underlying intensity which showed irritation by knitted eyebrows.

He was looking somewhere in the distance as his orbs swirled around noticing student body around us.

His jet black hair roughly flew in waves as the wind aimlessly ruffled them.

Sucking in one more time, he took out the cigarette from in between his lips, looking at it, holding in his hand.

He still hasn't looked at me though!

I wonder why!

Did he not notice me yet?

It's kinda hard to think so when he is standing right in front of me. I scratched my subconscious.

As he looked down at the dimly lit cigarette in his hand, few bangs jumped at the chance and fell over his eyes, as if fighting each other to take this chance.

He threw now dying cigarette on the ground, right next to his boots and stepped on it with his heavy boot, smashing it into ash.

Gulping down again, knowing fully well he must have heard the sound.

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