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I stumbled Inside this restroom and pushed my Vans in the floor to come to a halt. Door shut behind me followed by a click of lock jolting in place.

My heart did a backflip.

All the music faded behind the close doors and soon a switch was turned on to light up the restroom.

I squinted my eyes at the abrupt light in the darkness and the next moment I'm hawled against the door as its hard wood hit my back.

King's face came in my line of vision as he towered over me within a second.

My breathing came to a sudden screech and all the music from behind the door started drowning under the wild beat of my heart. Sweat trickled down my armpits, making its way to my waist.

He neared me as he rested his right hand on the door beside my head and looked down at the floor.

I looked at his unruly jet black hair that shone under the light bulb. Pressing myself more into the door to create some distance, I took a shuddering breath and his cologne flooded into my lungs, filling my entire body with his distinct fragrance.

I could hear him taking heavy breaths and dreaded what was going to come.

After what felt like forever in his close proximity, he finally raised his head when his breathing evened out to some extent and his hazy look met mine.

His eyes were playing this hide and seek with the shining bulb over head and the shadows of those wandering strands that never left his eyes uncovered.

He blinked back the drowsiness.

Was he drunk?

He gulped down audibly and shifted on his foot, now removing his right hand from the door and replaced it with his other hand on my left. His right hand now shuffled his hair backwards and as usual the stubborn ones fell back over his eyes possessively to which he sighed and gave up.

I closed my hands in fists tightly to stop my rising shiver.

"What are you doing here?" His voice came out in an unusual whisper and I wondered if he was mad anymore at me- or whether he was mad at me at all throughout this time?

I was unable to answer back, cause even opening my lips sounded like a heavy workout when he could just drop his gaze and look at them without consent.

He ran the back of his hand on his upper lip area and sniffed looking down for a moment.

Then again he looked back up and his eyes went stoic keeping mine forcefully in place. This time some of the undercover intensity visible at the surface," What the fuck are you doing here?" He asked in chillingly calm tone.

"I uh-" I stumbled on my words feeling forced to answer him back when he was making it hard for me to talk properly so i looked down at his chest which was slightly visible under couple of undone buttons of his button down black shirt.

His neck and chest were bare from any kind of chains or tattoos.

"Speak!" He snapped getting impatient making my heart jolt up in fright.

"U-uh I came with a-a friend." I stuttered helplessly.


"E-excuse me?" I asked in confusion.

Why would anybody want to come to a party?

"Why are you here at this party? And what made you think that I'll allow you to attend such parties in the first place?" He hissed back at me in low tone.

This made me speechless.

His whispers were completely audible to me even though with other people, I had been shouting in their ears but unable to hear my own voice.

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