chapter 32

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Click. Click. Click.

Clicking of his boots up the stairs drowned out the soft padding of the fuzzy goodness in my feet.

His hand pulling mine along after him in the direction of the room I had spent past few days since I came here.

His room.

I almost didn't feel the urging tug at my hand due to all the stiffness in my bones at the moment.

The stiffness that grew in last couple of hours during nikkah and then him seeing off everyone.

I was an absolute statue moments ago, working on command. Expecting a command actually.

It was a good thing to he steered along, having a solid wall move beside you, holding you or else you would crash into the pile of dirt on floor before anyone could blink twice.

I sorta liked that stiffness. That numbed everything inside of me.

Now it was ebbing away. Slowly and painfully.

Leaving all the tingles that creeped up my legs over my backbone and straight up to my neck settling there into vivid goosebumps.

The warmth of his hand was undoing it all. As if, ice cracking under the shot of heat.

But I didn't like the vulnerability that I was quite familiar with. I wanted to stay in that blank page of the world forever.

But there was end to everything I guess.

He reached the door. I stopped behind him as he pushed the door open and led me inside.

What I wasn't prepared for was the softness under my feet. Although I was looking down, my mind was somewhere else until it halted feeling the soft frizz.

In dim light, I spotted the soft white rug spread across the foot of the bed. It felt good to be standing on that.

So I stayed.

But it looked like I was somewhere else. Not where I used to be.

Pure gold bedsheets with white and gold pillows and one red heart shaped sitting in the middle.

White n gold curtains.

None of the mess from earlier visible to the onlookers. It all looked fresh. Brand new. Even the mattress. No dirt. No nothing but a room that seemed to be newly done.

All these colors lit up the otherwise dim room like a full moon. Ready for Luna.

The short flame on the brightly lit red candle that was now sitting on the dressing table under the huge length of a mirror, flickered sideways catching a soft breeze from the open window.

Its soft lingering scent leaving a subtle drunkenness down my nosebuds. The delicious kind.

I for once couldn't move a limb.

So he volunteered willingly and approached the window. His each step slow and deliberate. Carefree. Almost satisfied.

But something was different about him. I tilted my head to examine him properly or to pluck out the object of this strange feeling.

He seemed to be the same though!


The vibe he gave off was shifted entirely on a new angle. He pushed the curtains aside to showcase the evening view outside. That looked as tired as I felt.

The sky was grey. All day it kept howling and grudging but now it seemed to have lost its strength and realized that by doing do, it was just pushing the upcoming rain away.

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