chapter 2

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"Would you shut it already?"

Emma, my roommate groaned half asleep as she complained about my alarm ringing nonstop.

Ringing doesn't wake me up usually but her shouting in response does.

"Alright chill out, I'm doing it." I turned the alarm off, stifling yawn and moved to my study table turning the lamp on.

Another tortured groan escaped emma as she pushed her head under her extra fluffy pillow murmuring something about me being a bookworm.

Honestly I felt bad for her. She sleeps after midnight once done talking with Jake, her boyfriend and after couple of hours I wake up to study.

There are two problems with that.

One; I need to turn the lamp on for studying.
Secondly; I read aloud.

Well even a dumb person can imagine my guilt now.

But emma being sweet enough, just keeps her complain to groaning and murmuring and never opted to wrestle it out which would be quite unnerving now that I think about it.

Soon I hear her snores erupting from under her pillow which she would never admit when awake.

Sighing,  I try to rub the sleep off my eyes and resume searching material for my assignment where I left before supper.

It was already Saturday and my assignment was still incomplete.

And also..

Would I write his assignment as well?

Not in million years after how he misbehaved with me.

My cellphone went off and I instantly furrowed my eyes wondering who might be calling me at this hour.

A pillow hit my head from behind before I could comprehend it coming and I didn't get a chance to duck. I looked back at murderous eyes of emma and flashed the screen of my cellphone in front of her, mouthing "mama's calling".

Realization hits her and she falls back on the bed with exaggerated thump and I throw her pillow back at her so that she can sleep with it which she snatches midair.

'Salam mama, everything alright?' I asked after picking up the call.

She doesn't call me while im asleep but when its night time here, usually its daytime there and also last time I told her that I wake up couple of hours before dawn to study more.

'Everything's alright, honey. I didn't wake you up right?'

'No I was studying. Needed to complete my assignment.' I informed her hunching over the table as I feel my muscles growing taut with every passing minute.

'Faith, try to complete your sleeping hours. You'll become sick if you kept going at this rate.'

' I know, ma. But I don't have much time. From monday I'm going to start tutoring and will have less time to myself from then on.'

There was silence from the other end.

'What about the payment, honey. Would it be sufficient for the fee?'

I bit my lower lip thinking of proper response,'mama, I don't know, I have yet to meet the student,' I could feel worry oozing out of her in full blown waves and I was desperately thinking of some way to ease her,' but you don't need to worry, if it doesn't work, I'll think of something else.' I reassure her while having no assurance deep down.

'But you do know how much your papa is struggling and worried for your payments right?'

I sighed, folding the corner of a page absentmindedly, 'yes I do.' I answer her instead, not knowing what else to say.

It was my Insistence to be sent for studying abroad. Papa had enough money to spend on the arrangements and my safe arrival here. Other than that he could only afford my shared apartment bills and food.

I had to manage my tution fee and everything related to study on my own.

'What about the job you had to go for interview last time?'

'It's complicated,ma. I'm newly arrived here and a foreigner. It's not that easy to get a job this quick.'

My words kept circulating inside my brain even after I finished the call. I kept staring blankly at the open notebooks and assignment in front of me while my mind was too occupied to concentrate.

Since I came here, I've been applying for a job here n there but everytime I  faced some problem. Emma would encourage me a lot.

"Why don't you find students who need tutoring?" She suggested.

"Who would risk getting tutored by someone who has no experience in this field?" I voiced my worry.

"Well there's a first time for everything. Besides," she sat beside me -dipping the bed by her muscular body which was becoming heavier with each next chocolate she devoured every other fifteen minutes- squeezing my shoulder encouragingly, "you are an A+ student. Anyone who knew about your grades would happily like to get tutored by you."

I chewed on my cheek inwardly when she slapped the back of my head eliciting a painful moan from me, " stop overthinking already. You are giving me headache." She gave me what looked like her best intimidating mommy look and ofcourse i succumbed to the idea eventually.

I thought about applying for a waitress job too which I had been contemplating about postponing.

I rubbed the anxiety out of my face and blinked couple of times looking down at the open books a bit more consciously this time.

Would it be a good idea if I...

Come on, i dont have to think about what a douchebag he is. I'll just write his assignment and get payment. It might help a little.

What if that other student, what was his name again- harry, what if he doesn't appreciate my teaching method?

Somehow I knew what side of my brain is going to overpower eventually.

Clucking my tongue in submission I got up from my seat and headed to the bathroom to take a shower.

I needed to relax.

And it was already fajar time. What a better way to relax than prayer!

A wholehearted meditation!

It might save me for awhile from what I was going to go through ahead.

I shut my mind off instantly before I could think of every possible outcome of coming monday.

Help me God!

I pushed the bathroom door open and it  groaned loud enough to wake up all the birds sleeping outside on a tree and without another thought i ducked before an extra fluffy pillow flew past me and into the bathroom landing on a wet tiled floor.

"Today I'm not gonna let you get away with this, you witch in disguise!" Came a banshee like scream from behind me followed by quick footsteps making me jump and my eyes widened in horror as i hurried inside.

"Oh god!" With a quick screech I attempted to close the door at Emma's face.

"Only God can save you from me now!" Shouted emma making me chuckle loudly. Sticking my tongue out just to aggravate her a bit more, I shut the door off at her face before she could stick her foot inside hearing her muffled dissappointed groans from outside the door.

Thank goodness! I thanked the lord for saving me from her early morning wrath like every other day feeling another chuckle bubbling from inside once again.


A filler chapter guys, hope you dont mind. I wanted to introduce emma and also give you guys a bit of background information about faith's family.

Next chapter= Monday action! ;)

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