chapter 9

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Something that kept bothering me is how I'm gonna handle my tests and all if I don't earn some money from tutoring.

So it was just impossible to crawl into my own cowardice and just forget about tutoring Harry at all.

Secondly I kept raking my brain to come up with an idea to contact Harry cause I couldn't risk meeting with him.

And I needed to hurry before it's tutoring time already.

But how!

I released a frustrating breath and made my way towards the restroom. My stomach had been growling all day earning me weird looks from students and I cursed at the Oreo icecream from last night that Emma experimented on and almost forcefully shoved it down my throat.

Although I was thinking it was too sweet of her to be this generous, I didn't complain much.

But now I knew why she didn't munch on her own masterpiece and after a bite or two dumped in my hands to finish the rest.

Ofcourse If it was any good, why would she force feed me the major portion of it.

As if on cue, my stomach growled once again and I squeezed it with my palm to lower the noise.


You just wait till I get my hands on you!

"Oh hey!" I jumped at the sudden chirpy voice and looked to my left to find Harry, coming out of male restroom.

"Um hi." He must have heard all these growls.

How embarrassing!

He looked down at my hand covering my belly and shot me a questioning look. I quickly dropped my hand as colour rose up my cheeks.

Why am I not six feet under yet?

"You okay there? You look a bit pale, 's all." He informed bit cautiously adding a nervous smile which gives way to his dimples.

I just nod at him sheepishly, not knowing how to tell his what's the problem.

Suddenly I remembered how students were around us. And who else could be in that male section of restroom.

I shouldn't be here with Harry!

As if sensing my discomfort, he cleared his throat," So, I'll see you in the library then." He smiles one last time before turning around.

His words finally made sense in my brain and i squeaked back at him in panic,"No, wait!"

He halted and looked back at me, his expressions alert.

"Um," I closed up the distance a little and looked at him with tight lipped smile,"Actually I was thinking... maybe we shouldn't be taking these lessons." I started and he gave me a confused look so I quickly clarifed myself.

"I mean, not here in the library, or inside the school at all."

He raised his eyebrows and looked down the corridor as questions swirl on his face prominently,"What's wrong with taking lessons here?"

I shifted on my feet, trying to figure out better words,"It's just that, I was thinking we should take them somewhere else. Just not inside the school."

His eyebrows come back to normal as he bit down on his lips looking at the ground. Then he nodded,"Okay, no problem, I'll come at your place then." He added thoughtfully.

At the mention of my place, my heart lurched up in my throat.


The memory of my keys in king's hands reminded me how exposed I already am to the disaster. And i wouldn't want to have more people knowing my address and who knows breaking into my apartment.

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