chapter 26

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You guys would probably be like, what? An update!

Well um yeah!

Didn't send my cellphone yet. Trying to get something out of it before I do.

So yeah...just don't ask me and..



I bit my fist in attempt to gulp down the yawn but it came out in the puffs of breath anyway.

I messaged my eyes to stop the itch that was developing underneath my closed eyelids.

The entire night I had been tossing and turning on the bed and just when i was about to give up after detecting the pale morning light seeping through the curtains, my body slumped into the deepest pit of sleep.

Now I had no idea what the time was.

I pushed the curtain away from the window to find grey clouds hiding the blue sky underneath.

It could still be early morning for lush green leaves were still fresh and shining from the dew drops.

I felt the dull ache below my ribs and rubbed my palm against it. It wasn't bad like yesterday but still you could feel the tiny pricks of needle every now and then.

It would be good if I make myself green tea to help it somehow.

Splashing the water on my face, I turned the faucet off and stared at my reflection in the naked round mirror that oddly suited the Victorian vibe of the bathroom.

Dark circles were pooled around my eyes like a panda and some dark bruises lined up my face under my cheekbones.

I sighed.

I exited the bathroom, feeling anxious,made my way down the spiral stairs. One step at a time.

I stopped.

King was sprawled over a couch with the sheets messily wrapped around his barely covered torso as if he kept changing sides all night.

Thank God he chose to sleep here!

My brain cells had their fill already last night and I couldn't just go on about that argument anymore.

Kitchen was right in front of the stairs.

I sneaked a glance at King in case he was fake sleeping.

A loud snore met my suspicion and I groaned inwardly at the weird sound.

Who snores like that!

I padded into the kitchen and found a wooden counter circling around an empty space. A small window like the one upstairs led my eyes into a small clearing where a bench sat looking over the dense tree line.

Morning air smoothly grazed the outline of the window as if greeting and then made it's way inside reaching over to me.

I tiptoed inside feeling like a stranger.

Why am I even tiptoing? It's not like my bare feet are able to make sound!

I really needed something in my system right now.

And I was right. The strong smell of green tea hit my nose, as fresh breeze danced around it. I learned over to sniff it more and quickly backed away when the steam burned the insides of my nostrils.

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