chapter 48

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Before she could pull another stunt, I had her in and against the wall.

Her surprised squeal bouncing off of dumb ears. Nobody was around. Neither would they have given a shit!

The lock clicked in place all the while I didn't take my eyes off her now beady ones. That were extra anime looking by the amount of shock she consumed.

I ground my teeth.


"The fuck you said?" I gritted out.

"I said," she raised her chin."I'll ruin your life."

"Fuck you!"

She shifted her weight on one leg and grabbed my shirt meeting me in pride,"Go ahead."

My lips twitched in smirk," careful,"I lowered my head,"I might ruin you till you die from it."

Snaking my hand behind her exposed neck, I curled my fingers in her openly inviting locks and held them tight. Her breathing stopped.

Mine all over the place.

"If you dare touch m-"

I shushed her tapping my finger on her threatening lips.

"...How about I teach you how exactly life is ruined?"With that my eyes replaced my finger on her lips.

I knew I've lost my shit already.

Her eyes narrowed at me while body posture still locked in place,"Try me."

"Is that a threat?"

She exhaled in mock sharp edge that met the intensity of her features."A promise."

It doesn't hurt to test the water then..

I pushed her down on the nearest couch, hearing her squeal in surprise as her body thumped down uncharacteristically throwing a sharp glare my way.

I beamed at her while something inside me swore to knock me down if I advanced towards her.

I didn't give rat's ass about that voice ofcourse!

Upon my approach, she hurried to fix her almost non existent skirt down her thighs and before she could get up, I grabbed her legs to stop her movements.

Pinning her down, I dropped to level with her, supporting my weight on healthy shoulder and inhaled her surprise,"I tried." I challanged.

Simple as that.

None of us moved.

Her face looked like as if her mind was in a panicked frenzy while mine had no plan to advance anymore.

I could get what I want from this point.

And I knew it was coming soon.

And it better come soon or my wounds would create a chaos in my body!

Her eyebrows went skyward. Finally. Her head did a little confident bend backward as her hand clutched the fabric of my shirt in her fingers and twisted it- as if planning to twist my neck in a similar fashion.

"Ruin me and I'll be one click away to scar you for life!"

My eyebrows furrowed together.

One click away?

She read my mind flawlessly which made her smile in venomous delicacy.

Only if I didn't know her this good, I would have mistaken her smile with shy one.

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