chapter 46

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Excitement. Joy. Anticipation. Everything coursed through me all at once.

Awakening my body. Making it alive. Rolling.

I clutched the cellphone desperately against my ear. However no words came out. As if everything had gone still.

"H-hello?" A meek voice questioned.
Slice of rush hidden in folds.

My world froze.

I closed my eyes in relief, happiness, overwhelming sense of familiarity? I couldn't decide!

It was simply all too much to take in.


Ofcourse, no one stutters that much even in simple words other than this idiot!

My blood was rushing in my veins at full speed now. Just her voice made every cell in me go ecstatic. Buzzing.

"Finally turned up huh? What kept you so busy all this while?"

I couldn't help the rising jealousy in my complain.

"King!" The crack in her voice pulled my eyebrows together in concern.

"You reached back home safely?"


"Did your dad say anything to you?"


"Your mom?"


"Then who the fuck made you this worried?"



All the gears in my head turned static. Completely still.


"King..." she stifled a sob making me grind my teeth together. Just one more second. Just one," They are arranging my wedding!"

"The fuck!"

I straightened up too quick for my injuries' liking and grunted out in extreme pain when my bandages rubbed harshly against my wounds.

Pale wall in front of me went blurry as I felt woozy and for a second couldn't decide if I was still sitting or falling back on bed.

"Y-you okay? What happened?" Panic laced voice screeched in my ears.

"But you are my wife!" For hell's sake!

I couldn't differentiate between my breathing and voice anymore through which I shouted desperately.

"I know..."

"Then why are you getting married?"

"King they dont know!"

"Tell them."


"Faith?" Warning in my voice screamed making my inner demons come to surface along with this building anxiety..

"I...c-cant." Her voice came Unsure. Disturbed.

I inhaled a whole lot of oxygen then clipped the needle that was inserted in my arm and plucked it away, wincing at the prick it caused.

Adjusting my back against the metal headrest, I toned my voice down a notch, "Now listen to me, you are gonna get out of there and right back here, where you fucking belong."

"I can't go out!"

"But you have to!" I paused inhaling another chunk of oxygen to calm my nerves a bit,"I can't just let you get married to some fucking dude out there!"

Just the thought of it left my body go cold all over. I really needed to grab something and squeeze the life out of it.

Where the hell I sent this idiot! Why?


I'm so fucking stupid!

The door knock made me look up at the glass door.

No one stood on the other side.

Another knock came. I noticed it was little distant. I frowned the sound of her whimper and then quick footsteps.

"Who's there?"

"King!" She whimpered out scared.

"What happened! Are you safe?"

"Someone's outside. I think they are back. I need to go and put the cellphone back before they notice it gone."

Her words stumbled over one another.

My heartbeat was now throbing against my fucking temples.

I shifted," listen before you end the call. You need to get-"

"I cant!"

"You fucking have to!" I pressed more urgently this time," for me. For us!"

"I dont have money to come back to US!"

"Then-" I looked around the room, doing maths in my head," I'll arrange something. You just-"

A louder knock came in the background making us both halt.

"...I'll send them to you and you just receive them and book your flight-"

"I cant leave the house, king! I don't know how to arrange my flight." She whisper yelled, ready to cut the call at any second.

"Why do you have to he this stupid!"

A sob broke out of her, cutting the flesh over my heart.

Only if I could engulf this silly girl in my arms right now! Only if i-

I gulped down, running my hand through the mess of my hair, pulling at the roots badly to make my dizzy mind work at it's best.

"Then I'm coming!"

"What? No!"

"Yes. That's the only way around it."


"Then I wont give you my address." A silly little threat like herself.

"You can keep it. I'll find out from school and come get you right away!"

"King they would hurt you!" Her voice pleaded out to me.

"No one's gonna lay a-"

My words evaporated in thin air at the sound of door rattling against the hinges and a sharp intake of breath before line went dead.


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