chapter 3

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Deep breaths.

One, two, one two three, go,

Deep breaths.

Even deeper breaths.

Chanting this mantra had little to no effect on my mental wellbeing.

After waking up from being shaken into wakefulness by, dear Emma, which not to mention felt more like sudden jolts of earth quake, I realized that due to anxiety, I overslept today.

Although people tend to oversleep on 'mondays' but in my case, the situation was different.

Emma peered at me while occassionally nibbling at her dairymilk chocolate and narrowed her gaze infinitesimally.

Her left eyelid twitched. A sign that she finds something odd about my walk.

Although I was pretty sure that I'm walking to the entrance hall of the east wing of the campus along with her just fine.

It was our daily routine to escort her first to the entrance hall like the princess she was and then drag myself to the west wing as a departing chaperon of hers.

Guess she didn't mind it that much!

Rolling my eyes at the irony, I decided to look away from her calculating eyes but to no avail.

"Why you acting sus today?" Her underlying accusation didn't go unnoticed as she mentioned my suspicious behavior.

I gave her my most innocent smile, " what do you mean, I really don't know what you're talking about," I tried to look more convincing so I added, "at all." But it sounded more like a give away than a help.

Her eyes narrowed few millimeters and I knew a dam of explanation was coming my way.

She stopped in her tracks to face me, in return making me stop as well.

Yup. Told ya!

"Oh so you really don't?" She chuckled that sounded more like a snicker but I tried not to notice the underlying sarcasm," You didn't wake up early!"

She screeched in my face as if it was the reason of 9/11 incident.

I hissed wiggling right eardrum with my pinkie to soothe the pain a little," and that explains I'm acting sus?"

"Don't you dare play smarty pants with me, missy. I mean what the heck! Since we moved together, today is the first time ever you didn't drag your overly active ass out of your bed before freaking dawn. That's proof enough that something's up." She exaggeratingly flapped her pale arms skyward.

"As if that explains everything." Not giving her another chance I decided to head towards west wing and nearly tripped on my own feet in nervousness.

"See! Now you're just wobbling around aimlessly. A sign of deception!" I ignored her comment and tried walking straighter as I made my way towards the locker.

When I was sure I'm out of her sight, my shoulders drooped as my carefree persona crumbled and the reality of the situation hit me hard.

It was monday.

A freaking Monday!

I tightened my grip on the assignment or assignments to be more precise, that I was holding close to my chest to get rid of the shakiness of my fingers.

It was a bad idea to write his assignment.

Only if I was more sensible and didn't write his assignment, I wouldn't have to face this anxiety that I'm feeling right now.

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