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"You think I can't go on my own?" I frowned pushing the covers away ready to prove him wrong.

He sighed and looked down at the floor. His strands always sticking their edges in his eyes.

"What I'm saying is that," he locked his solemn gaze on me making me wonder what is it lurking behind that worry etched face," you'll stay here. With me."

My nostrils flared at his statement. Who does he think I am? After all that I went through, he seriously expects me to stay with him to console him?

Guess he has something else coming.

"I have my own apartment. I don't need to stay here." Finality dripping from my each word.

"And how are you gonna stay there?" He asked nonchalantly.

"The way I always have. I don't suddenly need you to stick along in my life," All the cruelty of the past few days was trying to roll out of my tongue to let him realize how it was for me." Especially not after what happened to me."

My voice softened a notch and I lowered my eyelids to hide the swirling emotions from his sight.

His hand came in view his his fingers crawled over the back of my hand and lingered there before taking a hold of it. His thumb ran over the leather surface of the wrist band that actually belonged to him. Now he held my wrist as if the wrist belonged to him as well.

"I know what it's like to endure all that. And I understand how you must be feeling," he started, his eyes on his thumb that started drawing circles on the back of my hand," but you can't just go back there and forget everything that happened to us. To you."

"I don't wanna think anymore. Neither about you nor what happened to me when I was with you."

He stood up as the bed creaked in protest. His long legs started engulfing the long steps back n forth beside the bed.

One. Two. Three.


One. Two. Three.

He ran his hand through the thick strands and pushed them back who laid back for awhile in shock but quickly recovered and jumped ahead again as if they had pledged to always stay loyal to those midnight orbs that flickered with unease.

His eyes kept darting left and right on the ground. Then settled on me as he halted in his steps. His lips thinner than usual. Jawline more sleek. Nose sharper than usual. And his eyes thinned into almond shaped slits.

"What do you think huh? Everything's gonna get better once you are cooped up in the confines of that cocoon?" His voice accused me more than it questioned my thoughts.

I didn't know what was his deal. Why would he not let me go?

"I'm not gonna stay here no matter what!" I repeated my point.

"Its dangerous out there!" He raised his voice making me flinch. My fists curled around the sheets, tightening their hold to hold myself together.


Please God don't let it be what I think...

"W-why?" I stuttered.

"Are you seriously asking me this?" He waved his arms around to add more effect to his words.

I pressed the hand against my kidney and scooted out of the bed, standing near the edge now," why don't you just tell me what is it all about!"

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