chapter 29

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'What?' I cried out in surprise.

'I said on Saturday, your dad's coming to get you back.' Mama replied from the other side.

I clutched the cellphone tighter.

'As in two days after?'

'Ofcourse. He's all set up. I told you before about it. Your stuff is ready? Make sure not to leave a s-'

No! Please tell me it's all a joke!


'Single think there which-' she kept going.


A moment of silence, '-yeah?'

I took a shuddering breath and blinked couple of times to clear my vision.

'Please give me some time and I'll-!' I croaked out but was soon cut off.

'It's all done, Faith. There's no going back now. You better be ready when he arrives.'

And the line went dead.

I kept staring at the cellphone screen as if all the answers would magically pop up from that blackness.

They didn't.

I made my way downstairs carefully. Finally collaborating with the silence. Silence was the only thing that could provide me comfort.

Good Lord!

How am I supposed to-

I spotted king sitting in front of a window that looked out. His posture resting back, legs out stretched. One hand carelessly resting on the thigh. The other had its elbow against the arm of the chair, bent upwards as it finger tips grazed his stubble slightly. Out of focus.

All the focus was sucked out of his intense gaze- well not intense but no matter how he looked, it always screamed intensity- by the view outside the window. As if it was a portal to other dimension.

How could he be this comfortable?

Whereas I was going through hell few feet away!

His casual striped sky blue button down shirt loosely stayed against his body. The back of the collar hanging low without the care of the world, giving me access to the region down his neck.

I swallowed and looked up at the thick case of hair again. They were settled down peacefully as if on agreement.

"Dad's coming."

No response.

I cleared my throat hesitantly but it just seemed like I was trying to get the bug out of my mouth.

"On Saturday to pick me up."

My eyes were stuck on his posture. Ready to detect any sign of movement that could be a possible threat in his behavior.


Except the subtle movement of his lips,"come here."

"W-what?" Every cell in my body sat up alert.

His eyes slid from window to me. The sharpness of his jaws was no match when it came to the blank sharpness of those mysterious orbs.

"Come closer."

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