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Thump. Thump. Thump.


My wet slippers slipped on newly showered bathroom floor dumping me down on my back with a loud thump. But this time not of my feet. But of my entire body.

"OW!" I moaned out twisting my face in painful expression.

Again the clicking of main door resounded inside the apartment as my ears perked up to detect the sound.

Ofcourse Emma had to come knocking at the door the moment I start taking a bath.

Can't she come before or after I take a bath?

Does she have some secret cameras installed Inside the house just to bug me at the exact no no moments?

Groaning I pushed my slippery hands on the floor and picked myself off it. Quickly jumping into my grey sweat pants and a matching grey loose sweat shirt that had a huge tweety drawn at front, I grabbed the towel and threw it over my head and exited the bathroom.

Quickly rubbing the water off my newly showered hair that was sprawling on my face and back in a 360° angle, I rushed out of the room to open the door.

My bare feet made sloshing sound as they hit the ground in hurried pace while exiting the room.

"Oomph!" My nose hit first into a--wall-- which was unexpected to be in my way making my towel to fall off of my head and I took a step back just for my feet to slip right back again in a blink making me fall ahead once again.

Into the-- arms-- of this wall now?


My hair curtained my face, falling down saying hi to the floor as my upper body stayed bent over this arm.

Giving in to my curiosity, I flicked my head back and wet strands flew away from the right side of my face as they landed on my back presenting a view I didn't expect.

All the blood dried up inside my veins.

I was staring at myself in those dilated orbs that had pitch black darkness in the background of my face.

I somehow found myself rising my face up to look closely, squinting my eyes with scrunched up nose.

But they moved backward.


The moment those orbs zoomed out was when I finally registered a very stony but blank face looking right at me as if I was a pythagoras theorem displayed to be solved.


The mixture of cigarette smoke and slight male sweat-filled up in his cologne- came crushing my lungs as I sucked in a breath.

I shrieked out of his arms with such vigor that for a second bubbles erupted inside my head in all directions leaving me in a daze. Gaining back my consciousness, I frowned at him in bewilderment.

"What are you doing here?" I blurted out still a bit in a daze.

This sentence more likely have become our greetings lately.

He stood in front of me in all his glory. The front of his chest and abs weren't well hidden under his tightly hugging v-neck white tshirt as he rocked a white summer jacket over it matching the white slacks.

This all white aura over black bomber boots strangely seemed unnerving.

As if the white facade gives me an illusion that I can seep right through it but at the same time the hints of black in his boots and midnight bangs smirk at my foolishness.

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