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That's what I felt when all the nausea came rushing back in my head and I mentally started counting backwards before my mind could go fully blank and I faint.

Either because of my churning stomach or because of his piercing gaze.

I couldn't decide.

Without waiting another second, I bent down to grab the strap of my bag and felt the contents of my stomach coming up my throat as this sudden heaviness rose up my head.

Enclosing my palm around my tightly shut lips, I sprinted out of the Parking lot into the open.

The sudden air brushed my face and my nostrils flared taking it in eagerly to calm my insides down.

Looking around, I found the dumpster at the end of the alley and rush towards it.

How long before I spilled everything all over me?

Walls around me got blurry as i approached the dumpster with half jog half run. The moment I felt the cold surface of dumpster under my fingers, I hovered over it, hunching my back and emptying the contents of my stomach.

I came back to my senses a little and found myself resting my elbows on the rim and heaving out the empty air.

I gulped down and tried to inhale when a sharp stench from the garbage rushed inside my lungs making me grimace.

I suddenly felt like going to the bathroom and taking a shower as well as brush my teeth.

Still hovering I fumbled with my backpack zip to find water bottle but couldn't feel it.

"Here." Came a bottle in my line of vision followed by a masculine hand.

My insides became suddenly alert as I got the familiar vibes emanating from him as if my senses got accustomed to his essence. Embarrassment envelops me at full force.

Oh God!

He saw me throwing up!

I squeezed my eyes shut, mentally slapping myself but didn't dare to look up at him. Instead I took the bottle sheepishly and rinsed my mouth until I was satisfied.

Straightening up, I realized for the first time that he was holding my scarf back in place, out of the reach of my onslaught while I was oblivious to all this, busy in my vomiting spree.

He backed up, with grim expressions covering his raw face and this closed up, I noticed his nearly red eyes as if a month full of fatigue had been dumped down in his irises.

There were blotches of dried blood on the various spots of his jaws and neck and a gash over his split lip.

I frowned at this new discovery and looked back up in his eyes with the mixture of worry and anticipation of what might have caused all this and there I noticed a newly developing black eye when I detected the purple bruise that would darken into black one within few hours.

"Wha-" I whispered out feeling the heaviness of my voice coming from the deepest drum and cleared my throat as he stole his eyes from me," what happened?"

As far as I remembered, he was the one dominating the other guy back there and there was no fight-this intense.

Did he get it all from the fight before that?

Has he been in fights this morning?

He ignored my question, taking the bottle from me and enclosed the top with its lid. I couldn't take my eyes off his face though.

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