chapter 1

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I drew my cellphone out of the backpack and looked at the time.


It's been ten minutes since my English literature class started and I didn't realize, too engrossed in making notes while sitting in library.

I sprang up from my seat, getting a strange look from way too serious Librarian and made my way to the lockers.

The corridor was deserted signaling everyone had already gone to class. I bit my lip opening up my locker and deposited my notes there and fished out my lit notebook.

I couldn't miss this class, Mr.Clark is supposed to brief those students about assignments who had some difficulty or questions regarding theirs. I had my own couple of questions.

Throwing my notebook in my backpack, praying inwardly for Mr.Clark to let me in, I closed the locker door with unintentional bang.


My face bumped into something concrete making my nose turn at painful angle and I quickly pulled myself back from this supposed wall, wincing in pain.

When i was done rubbing my nose, i looked at the object that caused this pain and my half parted lips froze along with other movements.

I looked at the navy blue shirt peaking out of bombers jacket. I hesitantly looked up to make contact with eyes piercing into mine under those jet black bangs that carelessly hung over forehead

Oh God, not him!


His lips were set in a thin line and his stance was unusually stiff. His arms were stretched out as if to...embrace me?

How wrong I was!

"Do you see what you just did?" The ice in his voice froze the remaining parts of me and I followed the signal of his outstretched arms towards the floor where bundle of papers lay scattered around, plastered to the floor, not to mention few of them under my feet.

I sucked in a breath.

"Oh I'm really sorry. I didn't see you there." I bent down and started collecting now dirt smacked papers which were white sometime ago.

"Sorry?" His question halted my movements and I nervously looked up to see him still standing with the same stony expression on his face.

Why is his face so frosty, emotionless and stony!

"W-uhm.." not knowing how to respond to that, I just gathered all the dirty pages, flinching inwardly and straightened up stretching my hand for him to take his papers back.

He just looked back at me.

Why is he not taking the papers? I need to get back to my class and it's not like it's entirely my fault, he could also be a bit more cautious and prevented the bump.

"Your papers..." I mumbled unsure.

He supported his hands on his hips, exposing toned chest as the jacket stretched around his muscular arms.

"What use is this to me now?" He eyes travelled to the papers in my hands.

"I mean, I already said I'm sorry and-"
I started again but he cut me off mid sentence.

"Do you need glasses to clearly see what a mess you have made out of my assignment?"

I gulped down and looked at the papers, realizing for the first time that it was assignment that was due on monday.

"Oh so you have completed your assignment?" I awkwardly attempted to smile but my politeness only seemed to aggravate him more.

"Not anymore."

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