chapter 45

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Something wet was being rubbed against the flesh of my left arm, over the elbow. Cold. A hand had my arm in firm hold and slight feeling of sharpness was tingling as the dabbing neared certain spot.




I squeezed my closed eyes as the burn shot up in my open gash and tried to jerk my arm away, groaning in agony.

But the grip was tight.


Clenching my teeth, I tried to stop the violent shaking in my body as the wetness set my split up flesh on fire.

Okay I can do it. I can do i.. i can-

Fuck it!


I forced my eyes open, struggling to get my arm away from whoever the fuck was holding it and found a short, skinny nurse working on my wounds under the dim shadows of light.

Noticing me, she looked my way. Merely. And got back to dabbing whatever it was, on the gash. Hard this time.


My upper body practically arched upwards at full force and I hissed out profanities under my breath at this heartless monster.

"Hey, stop!" My anguished voice came out raspier than I could believe and too low to be recognized as my own.

She scowled down at me as if handling a toddler,"Only if you can cooperate with me, I'd get over it quickly and you wont have to go through pain for long."

Cooperate my ass!


She held my arm in place and started again. In quick successions. Non stop.


Oh ...uh ....argh!!!!

I hissed loudly at the unbearable pain that shot up my arm and shoulder all the way up to my neck, causing a headache to explode.

"Could you atleast...uh!...wait for a s...sec!" I felt the burn of tears as I huddled myself up in a fetal position to stop the violent shaking in my body.

The pain in my ribs also rubbed me wrong and it seemed like no matter how I moved, a gash somewhere would explode nonetheless and would start spurting out blood.

"Sir!" She looked at someone behind her quickly and tried to make me lay still and I heard the shuffling of feet and two strong hands straightened my legs, pinning them in place while she worked on the split up gashes in my left arm.


"And would you shut this annoying sound as well, for hell's sake!"

"Bro, your left side is injured," ...Marcus? "let her clean the wounds and then you will be bandaged up."

I opened my eyes and blinked the blurriness away to find Marcus at my feet. No expression on his face whatsoever.

Does he know about...

"Lift your arm a little,please."

"Ho- argh!" I grabbed the wrist of nurse in death grip," hold on. I cant lift it."

"What do you mean you can't lift it. The x-ray report came out clean. Other than broken tendon in the arm muscle that is." Nurse expressed half worried and half annoyed.

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