chapter 53

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Stairs passed in blur during my hurried flight down and out of the dorm's main door.

My open locks danced wildly in front of my vision as my black shirt clung onto my body, against the gush of wind.

My slippers giving out on me.

I didn't stop. I couldn't.

The attendant sitting behind the desk opted to stand up in alertness but I ran right past her. And out.

Until my feet stopped.

Until my eyes found him.

Until my heart finally settled back in its place.

There he stood. His body leaner than i remembered hidden away under hospital shirt and trousers, the colour of afternoon sky. Bruised arms hanging limp on his sides. Spender fingers curled inwardly as if unsure.

Skin ghost white peaked through the neck of his shirt, easily giving away the bandaged places. Stubble few days old. Those heart shaped lips turned somewhat bluish against the onslaught of the cruel night wind.

A tube stuck under his nose ran both sides all the way to his ears and behind. Disappearing. In the mystery of the uncut long hair that's been tied up in an equally unruly top bun. Few strands sticking out of it to greet the visitor.

Safe for the forever rebellious strands that shadowed down his forehead like loyal pets. Unmoving. Unrelenting. Promising to stay until the stars burnt out and the nights seezed to exist.

They promised their loyalty to the knitted eyebrows. Straight in sharp line. Threatening to clash together any minute. Right above to the two hoods of hawk like orbs.

They dilated.

And the world froze in existence.


Nothing of his appearance spoke of him except for those eyes.

They drank me in way easier than ever. Way quicker than I could comprehend. And way deeper than I could afford.

And allowed me to explore much more than I could imagine.

A whole new world!

Catastrophic disaster. An apocalypse. Fire. Cries of an angry child. His thrashing. His tears. And the sky turning black. Utterly. Wiping everything else off. The void. The dark nothingness. Its entirety twisting and molding until it reduced to ash.

Until even dark turned all the shades of true darkness.

And swept him away.

Leaving a bare soul. Naked to my eyes. Defenseless.

I saw it all. I saw his story while I was gone. I saw him.

Three more steps and he was right in front of me. Waving in a whisper of the wind.

His body threatening to give out on him.

As if he just came out of deathbed.

Looking like an angel of pure light. Clean. Weightless like a feather. Breathtaking.

Yet he looked like the most vulnerable king...

I choked back a cry behind my palm.

"Oh my Allah!" It wasn't a cry. But shiver of my soul. I could feel it thrashing against the barrier of my body.

Wanting to be let out.

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