chapter 33

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Dedicated to Sahibabano.

Your wish is my command, dear :)



Something emitted those midnight orbs in a wave so foggy that left everything around us a delusion. Unreality.

He still hasn't spoken yet.

I shifted on my feet trying to grab anything in approach and hurdle beside it incase he throws a tantrum. But I didn't. His gaze alone didn't allow me to.

The motionless tides in it.

His eyes were stuck on me.

And I was stuck in their dark night. Trying to slap away the fog and reach inside him. But failing.

He snickered. A sound so low that its sharpness couldn't reach up to anything but me. As if it was the purpose. Nothing could divert the intensity of its approach.

"So you planning to stay virgin forever ?"

The incredulity in his eyes hit me hard. I staggered back.

"I didn't say that." I breathed out.

"What did you say then?" An automated response.

"You can't touch me. That's wh-" my sentence died down in my throat when he snaked a step towards me. His eyes sharp enough to cut the knife itself if 8t dared to reach in those depths.

"Who-" his voice dropped an octave as if the unforgiving accuse in his eyes sucked all the energy from it,"-can touch you then?"

"King," I forcefully gulped the last bits of saliva down my throat to make amends to laugh dryness in it that made impossible to form coherent words," hear me out first. It just doesn't go the way you think. It's not that easy!"

To hell with my reasoning skills.

Only if I could kill myself right now...

He stayed tall. Unmoving,"how long do you expect me to go with this game of yours?"

"I'm not playing games, king." I could feel the air turning heavy almost to the point of choking.

"Then what you playin at?"

His gaze burnt into me.

I decided not to break my stare this time but failed.

It was me to look away once again. But stayed quiet.

"So it's because of me not being a muslim yet, isn't it?"

I lowered my eyelids.

"Why didn't you tell me this before?"

Another accusation.

Another pang of guilt.

I gulped down once again just to start coughing instead. My throat was done with my antics.

"Would you have listened to me?" I questioned him instead.

He shrugged his one shoulder. A bit too tiredly," I guess not."

He accepted the defeat. Just like that.

Who is this person I'm talking to?

The same eyes, those bangs, the nose, those heart shaped lips.

There was one addition to it though. The growing dark circles under his eyes. That looked grey on his ghostly white skin.

Why did I not notice them before?

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