chapter 4

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"Let me down!" I cried out for the umpteenth time, horrified at his actions.

He finally dropped me not so gently and I lost my footing and fell on my back hitting the concrete floor. Pain shot up my spine making my face to contort.

"Get up." He ordered opening the passenger door and held it for me.

I looked at the opened door wide eyed. Where was he planning to take me?

I was not going anywhere with him if that's what he's expecting.

Dusting my hands, I fixed my hijab, pulling my shirt down properly I got up and looked him in the eye, "I'm not getting in there."

"Oh yes, you are." Not even waiting for my response he pulled me by the arm and shoved me inside, practically throwing me inside. I held my head back from hitting it on the dashboard.

I straightened my self up, grimacing in pain that was now somehow intense in my lower spine and found him already in the driver's seat now locking up the car.

What the heck?

"What on earth do you think you are doing?" I asked flaring my nostrils. I wasn't some child whom he could push around and bully whenever he felt like it.

He didn't answer or look at me. Starting the engine, he revved the car into a screeching start.

No matter how much I kept screaming in his face about letting me out, it felt like he had permanently gone deaf.
I worriedly looked at the hurriedly passing buildings and had no clue as to where we were going.

Its been two months since I came here and I didn't go anywhere from my shared apartment except for school and grocery store.

He took me away from cafeteria and I missed my remaining two classes. I actually had to submit my assignment in the next class too. What an-


Oh my God!

My head shot up to him just to find his jaw bone ticking prominently and his eyes squinted ahead as if he was aiming to set the road on fire just by staring at it. The red mark from the slap was fading away slowly leaving a ghost of a proof behind. His lips were in straight line. My eyes travelled to his extremely white knuckles in which he was holding the steering wheel in a tight grip.

I felt myself taking in a sharp breath as I felt my lungs constricting on their own. Suddenly there was shortness of oxygen inside the car and I desperately wanted to get out of here.

"Hey, let me out of here!" I said in panic and this time earning a cold look from him that was equal to thousand glares at once and for a moment I wanted him to go back to ignoring me again but I had to do something, "Please I need to go back." I pleaded in a whisper.

Tightening his hold on the steering wheel more if possible, he took a sharp turn in a narrow alley towards left making me bump my head on his seat as I clutched on to his hand that was resting on the gear stick to prevent my sudden fall in his lap.

Once we were inside the extremely narrow alley where it was more difficult to drive due to extralarge dust bins placed at short distances, he jerked my hand away from over his, averting his stare from the road towards me.

I gasped at his rudeness and pulled my hand back to my chest enveloping it in other hand and his eyes travelled down to my chest where I was holding my both hands.

His gaze lingered more than needed and then it roamed over to my stomach and then up again resting at my shoulders leaving a cold chill on its trail.

My blood boiled at his perverted behavior and glared daggers at him, " Eyes on the road, you creep!"

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