chapter 47

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Redialling the number over and over didn't help the dead end to come back alive!

How the fuck am I supposed to reach out to her now!

I gotta get to-

Oh fuck!

The cops...

They are gonna be here any minute now!

If they imprison me then-


I gripped my hair in irritation, slipping my hand to my neck and rubbing it until it tingled with burn.


A bulb lit up inside my head.

Only if I could get to her and make her take back th-


Stumbling out of the bed, I clutched the metal support feeling the shot of wooziness wash over my entire being.

Having eaten nothing and these stupid injuries had started showing their ownership on my body.

When the room finally stopped spinning and I could make out the direction of the door, I rushed out of there on wobbly steps.

"Hey, watch ou-"

Something struck against my injured arm and the struggle of holding the thing up and feeling pain shot up at the load did a number on my arm right before I felt it slip right through my weak fingers and I heard a sickening crunch of that thing, hitting the marble floor.

"What the hell are-"

Nurse's eyes widened as the realization dawned upon her at seeing my face.


Her mouth opening and closing as if set on robot style.

Before her shock could wear off, I dashed right past her. Out the door.

"Hey! Listen...sir, somebody please..."

Her words drowned out as I stepped out in blinding light. Past the busy guard engulfed in commotion.

Somehow the glaring sun eased down the aches inside of me.

But not quite enough.

The throbing of my wounds was back. Numbness long forgotten. I could feel the stretch of my flesh with each step i took, creating the gashes grind against- now wet from my blood- bandages.

But nothing really mattered.

To hell with all that shit!

Everything went in blur. World became nonexistent.

Until, I dragged myself up the stairs to her door.

It was then that I realized it wasn't the sound of my bare feet that I was hearing, but my loud pants.

I was all breath at this point.

And I couldn't get yo calm it down.

My throat felt like somebody had stuck a screw in it and twisted it around until its sharp edges induced cuts so deep that they promised to never let me talk again.

It somehow didn't disturb me as much.

There was something way deeper than this, building up in me.

Silence of sort.

That was slowly engulfing all my words and complaints into nothingness.

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