chapter 6

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Coming to school today wasn't something I had been looking forward to. And my anxiety was proved valid when Mr Clark had me stand in his office for half an hour while me trying to explain all sorts of excuses why I could not submit my assignment in time and should be given a chance again.

At first he didn't budge at all, extremely disappointed in me but then I managed to get time from him after the classes and somehow he agreed to let me submit the assignment if I completed it today before he leaves.

So that's what I had been doing all day, sitting under a tree, with my books and notes scattered all around me. I happily bunked my classes, to work on my assignment. Well that was an excuse but I wasn't planning to come anyway to avoid everyone at a costs if not for Emma who would have gotten more suspicious after I took her off my back by made up lies last night.

Wind swept around the tree making its thick branches to dance all around and yellow leaves fell in my lap. Pages started to get away in hurry and I pounced forward to hold my hands on them until the wind settled down.

It was slightly cold outside and I frowned at my plain white shirt with black polka dots on, which I matched with black scarf and jeans. I could feel wind biting through the sleeves of my shirt and I regretted not wearing a top over it to prevent this hot n cold game of the weather.

I glanced upward at the sky and saw clouds rushing over in the middle to cover the sunlight from sight as wind gushed around once again.

Huffing, I collected my papers and notebooks, stuffing them in backpack and stood up feeling the first few drops of rain landing on my nose tip and cheek.

Few students were still outside, not affected by the soft trickling of rain and I tried my best to stay unnoticed and go somewhere quiet once again to finish this assignment.

Finally reaching the library, I nodded at the librarian who greeted me just by pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose and again immersing himself back into the newspaper.

I shuffled my pockets to fish out my cellphone to see how much time was remaining but then realization hit me like a hord of ton of bricks.

The entire day I was trying to shift my focus from my keys and cellphone to the assignment and not yet think about them.

This morning when i walked past our first class to go to Mr Clark's office, i could here the loud chatter of students erupting from inside and I could distinguish a distinct chuckling sound among all others.

Goosebumps travelled up my arms and I shook while thinking of a plan to go to king and take my stuff back from him.

But just the idea of going to him and talking while knowing fully well how he broke into my house and entered my room as well. God knows what he might be thinking or have done in there while I was passed out like a loser in my bed.

Heat rushed in my cheeks and I shook my head to dismiss the thought.

Why did he have to take my stuff with him?

Now I would have to retrieve that back from him.

What if he refuses to give it back to me? Or worse, doesn't admit that he has it in the first place!

I had to get in touch with new student as well. I couldn't lose anymore time. This entire assignment dilemma is already making me lose my grades in the first place. I would be lucky if I somehow manage to get through exams without anymore complications.

"No ticking of pen!" Growled librarian and I met his gaze to find him glowering down at my pen in hand.

My cheeks burned in embarrassment and I turned ahead slouching over my assignment hoping for a miracle to end it soon.

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