chapter 43

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I groaned.

As the pain shot up my spine right after waking up from a loud thumping sound.

"You bastard!"

I winced as somebody--Beck screamed right beside me and I clutched my head to not let her screaming pass through my seemingly tearing up head.

This hangover!

Supporting a hand against my spine, I blinked up at her....

Holy crap!

She was laying in a sitting position on the couch from where I just fell- or thrown off- but that wasn't the worst part.

She was stark naked!

Crying her eyeballs out.

My mouth was hung open as all the gears started getting back to their places in my head and I snapped my head back at me to find the buttons of my own shirt open with my Jeans unzipped.

"Holy fuck!"

"Why the hell would you do that to me!" She yelled making me scramble back on the cold tiled floor, away from her as I felt like my head was going to burst open.

What did i do!

What the hell did i do!!!

"I-" i started gulping down my extremely dry throat as making contact with her was the absolute hard task,"you..i didn't-"

What the hell just happened?

I felt like screaming at the pinching in my head the more I tried to think.

And the worst part is, my spine now made it hard for me to stay upright on the freezing cold floor in the Goddamned morning.

She hurried out of the couch, stepping before my sprawled form," so you're saying that I'm a liar,now!"

She pushed at my chest. And a jab made the waves of nausea to circle around in my stomach.

"Nah," I shook my head quickly, looking anywhere but at her form as i tried to hold the edge of the glass table, to hold weight as I opted to shift my weight on one knee," I, I cant rememebr shit!"

My voice came out so scratchy as if I've been screaming all night and I massaged my eyeballs hard to come out of this dizziness and get a hang of the situation.

As I was about to stand up she pushed me back hard on the floor, and I-having my muscles all numb, fell back in one jab.

All the contente in my stomach jumped up my throat in full speed and rushed out of my mouth before I could stop them before I was hovering over a puddle of my own vomit.

I atleast had the decency to turn my mouth away from my own exposed upper body.

"Oh my God," heaving I looked up at her clutching back her hair as she turned around," what I'm gonna do now! Oh my God!" She flopped back on the couch and started crying hysterically.

For a moment I stayed there frozen. As the situation slowly dawned on me under the fresh waves of sunlight that poured on my face through far away curtains as if highlighting me as a real culprit of the night.

Her eyes were turning red by the time. Her breaths came out in puffs as she couldn't stop crying.

I looked down at my own vomit.

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