Chapter 11 Part II

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Hey, cutziies!

I know I haven't published in a while and I think the last chapter was uploaded in December and soon January will end. How fast time flies by ...

I actually wanted to post this chapter next week but I thought I could do it now as a little surprise and compensation. I'm going to upload Chapter 12 next week, probably on Sunday.

Also that chapter is a little longer. Anyway, have fun while reading it, vote/comment if you want to and wait for the next chapter as eagerly as I'm waiting for the end of my semester ;)


Wrong thing to say as she glared at me. "I'm not here to discuss my private life with you. Let me write your name down." 

Ms. Smith clicked her pen and stared at me. Then her lips turned to a smile. "Where is your name plate?"

"Right there," I pointed out and touched the place over my chest on the left side. And I felt nothing. Fantastic! 

I was not only wearing my glasses but also forget my name plate. Why was my life like that? Ms. Smith clicked her tongue. "10 points for forgetting your name plate."

"What? I don't understand."

Ms. Smith rolled her eyes as if I was the dumbest girl she'd ever met. "You get points, when you don't follow the rules. Have you reached 100 penalty points, you'll have a talk with the principal, a warning and you have to do community service at school."

That woman was mad. I never had a teacher like her in my entire life and she obviously didn't know the rules here. If she thought that the Kings and Queens or anyone would follow her rules, then she'd get the shock of her life.

"And now tell me your name," she continued and looked at her clipboard.

I let a long sigh out. "Ms. Smith, you don't really want my name. It's too long."

"5 points for disobeying my order," she wrote down.

"What? No! I was just -"

"5 points for denying that you disobeyed my order," Ms. Smith interrupted. I glared at her and her ugly hair. "Now your name."

I crossed my arms over my chest. "Fine, you want it, you get it - it's Rebecca, Fernanda, Olivia, Julia, Julio -"

Ms. Smith held a hand up and stopped me. "Are you trying to fool me?"

I looked offended. "No!" 

What? Fine, I lied but she didn't need to know my real name. Besides, she's new and she wasn't nice to from the beginning. Also, Ms. Smith stopped me from going to my class. I think it's fair that I was lying to her and a little fun never hurt.

"Julio? Seriously?"

I nodded. "Yes, see my late great, great grandfather thought I was a boy, because he was very old , so he named me Julio. In fact, every family member of me gave me a name but not every name is on the official documents." I smiled at her.

"Fine, continue."

"Where was I?" I pondered. "Ah, yes, so its Rebecca, Fernanda, Olivia, Julia, Julio, Estella Ramirez Rodriguez. In short RRR."

Ms. Smith looked at me. "RRR?"

I tried not to laugh when I her eye twitched. She was mad. "Well Rebecca, you get 15 points for running in the hallways and being late for class."

You made me later than I was, I thought. "Are you sure 15 points are enough?" I blurted out before I could shut my mouth. I slapped a hand over my mouth as I looked at her with wide eyes.

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