Chapter 24

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Hi guys, 

this chapter is a little shorter than the previous ones.

Still, enjoy reading.

Read, vote, comment!


I looked down at the thing in my hand.

It wasn't even a thing. 

It was a dress.

A short black dress with long sleeves,  a plunging neckline and tulle sort of kind bottom.

What's that in your hands?

A gift for you.

Can I see it?

Well, it's actually a surprise.

Please, pretty please.

Fine, but act surprised in front of the others, okay?

Laughter. Deal.

I fisted the dress in my hand and stormed out of my room. I jogged the stairs up to the third floor. I counted the doors and when I was facet to face with the last room on this floor.

I hadn't been here since the fateful night two summers ago before junior year started.

As much as I wanted to turn back and leave, I was still disturbed with the fact that I was clutching a dress that was already one year old. 

And how did it land in my burrowed room?

I gathered all my courage and and stormed in. Like I literally pushed the door open instead of knocking or opening it like a normal person.

I quickly surveyed the room to see it didn't change at all except the photo frames.

I wasn't in one of them. 

I didn't know if I was feeling disappointed or not. It shouldn't matter to me but it somehow did.

Henry was always a minimalist, who loved neutral colors. He wanted to keep everything neat and clean and just the essentials one needed in one's room.

His room looked like the rooms in magazines - as if it was newly renovated and no one lived in it.

Said person was sitting at his table, phone in his hand and grinning widely until he saw me. "Em?" 

When I didn't answer and he was sure I was in his room, he said, "You can't just barge into my room!"

"Of course, I can. You did the same."

"Why is she in your room?" A third person said through the phone. 

Henry glared at me before he looked back at his phone. "It's nothing. I'll call you back, Julie."

He disconnected the call before Juliette could say anything else. "What do you want?"

I ignored his frustrated voice, though I knew I probably ruined a cute phone date. But I didn't care. 

I gave him a quick I'm - annoyed- to - be - here- smile - too and held up the black bundle in my hand.

Henry narrowed his eyes and snorted. "What should I do with that?"

"What is that?" I counter asked. 

Henry looked at me as if I lost my mind. "I...I don't know."

How dumb was he? Couldn't he see it was a dress?

I glanced at my hand and realized that my hand was in a fist, so he barely could see what I was holding. The dress looked like a fisted ball. So, I quickly untangled it and held it triumphantly in the air. "Now, look at it and tell me what it is?"

Trying to liveNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ