Chapter 14 Part II

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I'm back again and I know how long I was gone. But writer's block. I mean, I have written so many chapters but I never got the time to upload them. So, I'm trying hard to upload a few of them. 

So the previous, this and the next chapters are kind of sad. It was really hard to write them because when I wrote them I disappeared into a sad state of mind and I heard sad songs that helped me to kind of feel what Em feels. I think like a lot of people would either like or hate her but she's like that. I feel like Em exists in all of us and that's why she's my first character.

Hope you like my story so far!


I could've said something mean but this was Cam. We had history together and he was there for me. So, I didn't. At first, I looked stunned at Cam but then I laughed. "Are you drunk or something?"

"No," he said and shook his head. "You still have your glasses on?"

Cam said that as if he was revealing a big secret. I wanted to laugh again but this time it wouldn't be forced. Instead I shrugged. "Yes, I was late for school and now I just feel like ...why should I bother putting on contact lenses. So, here I am with my glasses."

"You look cute," Cam grinned at me and flicked my nose. I was certain, he purposely was changing the subject but good for me. I wouldn't have to answer his question. 

I eyed him. "You sure, you're not drunk?"

"Drunk on you." 

I stared at him and  swatted him lightly on his head with my hand. "Ouch, that hurts."

"It's going to hurt more, if you won't stop with your nonsense," I said seriously while he was rubbing the spot I hit.

"You wound me," Cam said dramatically. "All I am saying is the truth."

I wanted to believe him so badly. And somewhere in my heart, I knew what he said was true. But hearts were dangerous things that turned against our minds and believed in too much goodness, their vision getting clouded and seeing the irrational before the rational. Until they get shattered on thousand pieces, knowing all along in the back that they should've listened to the mind. 

And I did that right now. I let my heart be sheltered, protected after it got hurt more than once. 

"Sure," I said, sarcasm dripping off my tone.

Something like hurt flickered through Cam's eyes but it was gone as quickly as it was there. Now, his face was guarded and he reminded me of his cousin. 

"You don't believe me? That I want you?" He asked me quietly.

I was left speechless and was grateful when I heard Jake's voice outside the room. "And this is the gaming room slash chill zone!"

Yeah, well I wasn't prepared for him to open the door as if he was a real estate agent. Our eyes connected. Jake seeing me on top of Cam. Cam holding my face, even though I slightly turned around, it wasn't the nicest way to get caught. I didn't know what Jake was thinking but to every other person it looked like Cam and I got cozy or that I was seducing him because I was halfway on top of him. You know, my reputation is all about seducing. 

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