Chapter 10 Part II

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"But I heard your tummy," Alika said. 

"Really?" I asked but when she looked at me, I dropped the act of not being hungry. "You speak like an adult but you're seriously saying tummy? How old are you?"

"I turned six a week ago, but Mama says I'm really clever and behave like an adult," Alika said proudly, "Mama also says that no one should go to bed hungry, if we can prevent it."

Well, I was half right when I said she was five. I mean she turned six a week ago, so it's not my fault that I didn't know her age, at all. She hopped down from her stool and went away just to come back with Ludovica in tow. "Ludo will heat you something up."

She sat back on the stool. I leaned in and whispered, "Why did you wake her up? She doesn't have to make me something."

"You get left - overs," Alika said flatly and I looked at her. Well, why did I think that Ludovica was making me something.

"I've already eaten and Mom didn't know that Henry was inviting his friends over. Cam had already his dinner and he's always hungry, so I asked Henry if I could have his portion too and he left it for me."

Ludovica put the plate in front of me. I opened my mouth to say thank you but stopped myself when she walked away. "Does she ever talk?" I blurted out.

Alika giggled for whatever reason. "She does. But Ludo rarely speaks, so don't get insulted."

I nodded and took a bite, ignoring the fact that this was meant to be Henry's dinner. And it wasn't like he knew that I was eating it right now. and that Alika left it for me. Besides, she guessed I was hungry as fas as I know. So, I enjoyed it.

Anyway, the real question was if Alika knew who I was? "Do you know who I am?" I asked carefully as if she was a frightened animal that would sprint away if I asked something like that.

Well, animals couldn't talk but you know what I mean. Hopefully. She nodded. "Yes, you're Emeron."

"Ye - wait no," I started. How the hell could she say everything so ...gracefully and right but not my name? "It's Em -"

"But I'll call you Emma," she said, a smile on her lips.


"Yes. Emma is your nickname."

I groaned inwardly. Besides Em, I had another nickname - a name that just my father had used and was never used again after he left us. "Sure, why not? I love when everyone calls me Emma."

Alika stared at me as if I was dumb and after some seconds I realized that she was too young to understand my sarcasm. I smiled at her or tried to but she still stared at me. When I finished eating, I cleaned my plate while Alika was telling me about school  and how she loved to do homework. 

She's very fond of learning new things and solving problems or helping people in need. The latter was addressed to me and I tried not to feel insulted as she claimed I was a homeless person in need of shelter. I tried to convince her that I was Scott's sister but in vain. 

In her world, Scott didn't have a sister but she was glad that she wasn't the only woman here (she said that). I was sure, she caught the phrase from Mrs. Avilla.

Alika also followed me to my room even when I told her that she should probably sleep but she didn't want to. So we watched Avatar the Last Airbender until she fell asleep. Good thing, because she asked me too many questions.

Then I searched for Ludovica and found her in the kitchen, reading something and when she saw me, she hastily put her book in her apron. I ignored how offended I was at her reaction like I would steal her book from her hands. I told her Alika fell asleep and she helped me to get Alika to her room, leaving again before I could offer her my gratitude.

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