Shisui Adventures Begin

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Quick Author's note: I am going to age up Shisui so he would be the same age as you. This is just for the plot. You'll find more about it as the story progresses. 

Your Pov

I wake up to my alarm blaring and roll out of bed. As I begin to finish packing and getting ready for the trip, I make sure to make a mental picture of my bedroom. 'I really will miss this place.' I notice the sun peaking through the clouds and I see a crow sitting outside my window. 'hmm. what a pretty bird' 

I walk out of my bedroom and notice kakashi leaning against the wall. 

"Did you really think I wouldn't say goodbye?"  Kakashi teased.

 "well..." I say while scratching the back of my head.

 "Well, you should get going?" he said while walking to the door. I stood there in surprise and look off to the side. 


 "Well, you going or not?" Kakashi blurted out and I nod.  I notice Kakashi following me out the door and I look back at him. 

"Thanks for walking with me." 

"Yeah whatever." 

"Kakashi, I'll make sure to keep in touch and-" 

"Don't worry about it, I like to be surprised and that means we'll have more to talk about when you get back." he says calmly. 

"yeah...right" I say solemnly. 'A year without talking to Kakashi...'  I thought while fiddling my thumbs. 

"Y/n, you'll be fine." Kakashi said and I look over at him in surprise. 

 "R-right t-thanks." I say while taking a deep breath and exhaling. We finally reach the gates and I see Shisui smiling and waving.  I heard Kakashi grumble in annoyance.

"Well I guess this is it. I will miss you." I say while hugging kakashi.

"Same." Kakashi mumbled back.  We quickly break apart and I run over toward Shisui. 

"You must be Y/n? I'm Shisui Uchiha as you may know. Ready to go?" Shisui asked. I  I turn around one last time.

 "Yes, I'm ready"  I stated and began to walk next to Shusui waving goodbye.

 I never leave the village unless a mission comes up. So it's nice to walk somewhat peacefully through the forest. I start to take in the surrounding scenery, not just because I want to make sure we don't get attacked along the way but, to look at the colorful flowers and blue sky that I usually don't notice.

I know this may sound silly or weird but, sometimes I would think about what my life would be like not being a ninja. Would this have changed the tragedies that happened in my life thus far? Probably not, but, I guess I will truly never find out. 

 "So, What do you like to do for fun?" Shisui blurted out and I tilted my head. 'huh? is he trying to make small talk or something?' 

"Hmm, I like to read and (favorite hobby)." I replied. 

"You like reading? Interesting, I not much of a reader myself. The only type of books I like are mystery novels?" Shisui stated well more like unsure of himself.  'That's weird, it must be a crazy coincidence.' 

"Well we should be at our first check point out of three, in a couple hours. I heard you like (favorite type of ice cream)? there-" 

"Alright! Hold up!  You wanna tell me how you know what I like, please don't tell me your some crazy stalker." I interrupted while nervously laughing at the end. 

"R-right, about that. I may have talked to Itachi about going on a mission with you." 

"Right, so how much did Itachi actually tell you?" I ask hoping that it wasn't anything personal.

"Not much. Just your likes and dislikes."  he replied while waving his hand back and forth.

 "So, not to be rude or anything, I'm guessing you don't like mystery novels?" I squinted and Shisui slowly shakes his head no. 

Awkward Silence

"Well, getting passed the weird stalker vibes I get from you. I appreciate you trying to get to know me." I laugh. 

"Right and just so we are clear I am not a stalker." Shisui glared at me and I shook my head.

"Sure whatever you say" I teased earning a low grunt from Shisui. 

Timeskip brought to you by Itachi talking about you behind your back 

"Finally! We made It!" I shout in exhaustion and I hear giggling come from behind me. 

 "Well, I guess we should go start camp?"  Shisui asked and took off his backpack. 

 Now you may ask way we are camping in the middle of nowhere. That's a good question! 'use your Imagination'.  I help Shisui make the camp site and finishes in record time.  We proceed to cook something to eat.  Which wasn't the best since neither of us were five star cooks like Kakashi. Oh how I'm gonna miss his cooking. 

"I can keep watch and you can get some sleep." Shisui said.

 "You don't have to I can make shadow clones?' I asked.  

"You shouldn't waste your chakra. We have a long day ahead tomorrow. Once, we get to checkpoint 2 we will be over halfway there. But, its going to take us awhile to get there."  He stated and rubbed my face in defeat. 

"fine. But, you better wake me up when you get tired. Goodnight." I said and crawled into the tent.

"Right, goodnight" he replied with a smile.

'I wonder how Kakashi's doing?' 

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