Chapter 8

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Your Pov

Today was the day we had to meet up with team 7. I was excited to have teammates my own age. Kakashi on the other hand, well, let's just say he wasn't enthusiastic . One thing about spending time with Kakashi is that he is 1) terrible at lying 2) will do anything for me to make miso soup, and 3) doesn't hide his emotions very well. At first it may seem like the opposite. But, once you get to know him he tends to make faces. Kakashi also likes to read novels and tends to like romance. I, on the other hand, like mystery novels.

Kakashi's Pov

I sigh, getting out of bed, looking over at my book on the nightstand. I really am not looking forward to training. I walk over to my dresser looking at the picture frames of Y/n and I together. After living with Y/n she 1) really likes f/f and would do anything for it, 2) has terrible anxiety, 3) likes f/a ( favorite activity). I get pulled out of my thoughts by the smell of bacon. I hurry up and get changed to meet Y/n in the dining room.

Your Pov

After we ate breakfast because it was the most important meal of the day! We clean up and put on our sandals. Recently I have been practicing using the reverse summoning technique (like how Tenten stores her weapons in scrolls). We start walking to training ground 3. We see Minato-sensei and Rin but no Obito.

"Hey Kakashi-kun! Over Here!" Rin shouted while jumping in the air. Kakashi just grunted in annoyance. As we get close I look over at Rin and wave.

"Hello." a mumbled and Rin gives a simple wave. I start thinking about all the times I ever talked to Rin, which wasn't a lot.

Dread starts to overwhelm me. It's my first time on a team with fellow classmates and she already doesn't like me. 'What if I don't talk to her, and then she becomes popular and everyone on the team starts to hate me!' I continue to ramble about rare scenarios that will never happen. I get pulled out of my thoughts by Kakashi squeezing my nose and giving me a closed eye smile.

"Ok, since everyone's here, wait whe-- " Minato-sensei starts

"I'M HERE, I'M HERE!!! "Obito shouts running over toward the group.

"You're late!" Kakashi yelled over and glared at Obito.

"Shut up BAKAKASHI!" Obito replied.

"Ok you two, please don't fight" Rin states while standing between the two.

"Obito, glad you made it." I say while Kakashi looks over at me and gives me an 'ok really' face.

"What?" I mouthed over at Kakashi and he crossed his arms.

"Well since everyone seems to know each other. We can skip the ice breakers." Minato sensei says. 'Yes, thank you!' I absolutely hate ice breakers. Honestly they're always the same, "what's your favorite ice cream flavor? " Like how am I supposed to know, I have so many! picking one would just be a crime!

"Ok so for our first activity as team 7 you will have to take these bells off me before the timer goes off. " Minato sensei says holding up 3 bells.

"Why are there only 3 bells? There are 1...2...3...4, four of us. " Obito says after counting everyone.

"Idiot! Obviously only 3 of us will stay on team 7 and the fourth person will be sent back to the academy. " Kakashi states in annoyance.

"Well, not that extreme, it's just training exercise. " Minato-sensei nervously laughs while scratching the back of his head. But, nobody was paying attention to him.


"Why would I go back to the academy? I graduated before you and have mission experience. '' Kakashi states snootily.

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